Chapter Three: The First Move!

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Francesca followed the butler through the elegant halls of the Johnston mansion, her heart pounding with anticipation. She had spent hours preparing for this meeting, but nothing could fully prepare her for what lay ahead. The butler opened the door to a spacious living room where Ricky Johnston was seated alone on a plush couch, watching a large TV.

Ricky was an older man with grey, slicked-back hair, dressed casually yet stylishly in jeans and a well-tailored shirt. Despite being home alone, he exuded the aura of a businessman through and through. As Francesca entered, he turned off the TV and got up to greet her.

"Ah, the Quinn girl," Ricky said with a welcoming smile, extending his hand.

Francesca shook his hand, surprised. "You know who I am?"

Ricky nodded. "Of course. I have a lot of history with your grandparents. Margaret and David Quinn-good people."

Francesca relaxed slightly, feeling a bit more at ease. It made sense that Ricky would know her family. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Johnston."

"The pleasure is mine. Please, have a seat," Ricky said, gesturing to the couch beside him.

Francesca sat down, the formal setting becoming more informal as Ricky's warm demeanour made her feel welcomed. "Thank you," she said. "I'll get straight to the point. I'm looking to buy Johnston Industries from you. Name your price."

Ricky's face dropped. He leaned back and sighed. "I'm afraid it's not for sale, Francesca."

She leaned forward, undeterred. "I've done my research, Mr. Johnston. You haven't been expanding or innovating lately. I want to buy your company and make it bigger than you ever could."

Ricky chuckled softly, shaking his head. "That's because I have someone in line to take over."

Francesca's eyes widened. She hadn't expected this. "Who?"

Ricky leaned back, looking thoughtful. "I have multiple sons, all of whom have proven themselves in different ways. My oldest, Danny, works within MI6. Then there's Richard, my second oldest, who just opened a new business called Decker's Drive-a garage that upgrades cars with high-tech gear. My youngest, Christopher, is currently competing with Porsha and the Clark family for control over the Bristol market."

Francesca felt a wave of concern. She had clashed with Porsha before and had no desire to do so again. The fact that Ricky had sent his youngest son to take on her entire kingdom meant his family was formidable. "So, which one is taking over?"

Ricky dismissed her question with a wave of his hand. "None of them. It's a grandson of mine. He's starting to pull his weight and prove himself, but I'm still watching closely."

Before Francesca could voice her disappointment, Ricky cut her off. "Forgive me, I've been a poor host. I don't talk business without a quick debrief. Let me make us a cup of tea, and we can talk like grown-ups."

Francesca bristled at the 'grown-ups' comment, taking it as a sarcastic dig at her age. Ricky left the room, choosing to make the tea himself despite having multiple butlers at his disposal. His overall demeanour was kind, almost making what Francesca had to do next feel even more difficult.

As she sat alone, Francesca's mind raced. Ricky's refusal to sell, combined with the revelation about his sons and grandson, complicated her plans. She needed to think on her feet and find a way to turn the situation in her favour.

Francesca sat quietly in Ricky Johnston's grand living room, her thoughts racing. As she reached into her coat pocket, she pulled out a small recording device, glancing around to ensure she wasn't being watched. Ricky had stepped out to make tea, leaving her alone. She took the opportunity to subtly stick the device to the bottom of the wooden table in the centre of the room. She then settled back into her seat, trying to remain calm.

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