Chapter 186

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**Chapter 186**

As Draupadi moved through the palace, she came across the Pandavas in a rare moment of visible distress. The weight of their prolonged concern and the strain of her silence had finally driven them to tears. Draupadi, having noticed their emotional state, felt a pang of realization and sorrow.

With a soft, sweet voice, she spoke to them, “Why are you all crying, my dear husbands?” Her voice, tender and filled with genuine concern, cut through the tension.

The Pandavas looked up, surprised and touched by her sudden warmth. Draupadi approached them, her expression softening as she gently kissed each of their cheeks and foreheads. Her kisses were tender, but as she lingered, she left a dark red hickey on their necks, a mark of her affection and a reminder of her presence.

Draupadi’s actions were a mix of affection and an attempt to bridge the emotional gap that had formed. After leaving the marks, she quietly left the room, giving the Pandavas a moment to process her unexpected gesture.

The Pandavas, their hearts lifted by Draupadi’s sudden show of affection, whispered to each other in awe and relief.

Arjuna, his voice hushed with a mix of surprise and joy, said, “Did you see that? Her kisses were more than just physical contact. They felt like a bridge reconnecting us.”

Yudhishthira, his eyes still damp, nodded. “Her gesture shows that she’s beginning to reach out. It’s a sign that she’s acknowledging our pain and that she still cares deeply for us.”

Bheema, feeling a surge of emotion, added, “Those marks… they’re not just hickeys. They’re a symbol of her love and a sign that she’s opening up to us again.”

Nakula, with a hopeful expression, said, “This might be the beginning of her healing process. We need to continue being supportive and patient, showing her that we’re here for her no matter what.”

Sahadeva, his face reflecting a gentle smile, remarked, “It’s clear that she’s trying to reconnect. We should embrace this and continue to offer our love, encouraging her to open up more.”

The Pandavas, now comforted and hopeful, felt a renewed sense of connection with Draupadi. Her unexpected and affectionate gestures had provided them with reassurance and a glimpse of the emotional bond they shared. They resolved to continue their support with even greater care, encouraged by the positive change they had witnessed.

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