✮ avengers: endgame - 5 ✮

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[Cut to a lab in the Avengers Compound, we see Bruce fiddling with buttons on a panel. Scott is in his Ant-Man costume in front of his van, with the back open to show the Quantum Tunnel. Nat and Steve are beside Bruce]

BRUCE BANNER: Okay, here we go. Time travel test number one. Scott, fire up the uhhh... the van thing.

GABRIELLE BARNES: Can I say 'I told you so' when it doesn't work? [Natasha gives her a look.] What? I told you it wouldn't work, but here we are, still trying to get it to work.

"That's fair," Tony nods.

[Scott opens the portal]

STEVE ROGERS: Breakers are set, emergency generators are on standby.

BRUCE BANNER: Good. 'Cause if we blow the grid, I don't wanna lose Tiny here in the 1950's. [Scott, Nat, and Cap give Bruce a panicked look]

"Could that happen?" Scott asks in a panicked voice. Tony and Bruce shrug, also looking slightly nervous.

SCOTT LANG: Excuse me?

NATASHA ROMANOFF: He's kidding. [In a hushed tone to Bruce] You can't say things like that!

BRUCE BANNER: Just... It was a bad joke.

NATASHA ROMANOFF: You were kidding, right?

BRUCE BANNER: [Whispering to Nat] I have no idea. We're talking about time travel here. Either it's all a joke, or none of it is. [Loudly and gives Scott a thumbs up] We're good! Get your helmet on, Scott. I'm gonna send you back a week, let you walk around for an hour, then bring you back in 10 seconds. Makes sense?

SCOTT LANG: Perfectly not confusing.

"It makes perfect sense," Gabbs says. Bucky and Rhodey nod.

"How?" Steve asks.

"Alright, so." Gabbs sits up straighter. "Bruce is going to send Scott back a week. Scott is going to feel like it's been an hour, but for Bruce, Nat, you, and me, it's going to feel like 10 seconds. Make sense now?"

Everyone makes sounds of understanding.

STEVE ROGERS: Good luck, Scott. You got this.

SCOTT LANG: You're right. I do, Captain America.

[Bruce presses a button, and Scott disappears into the Quantum Tunnel.]

BRUCE BANNER: On the count of three. 3... 2... 1!

[Bruce presses a button, and someone in the Ant-Man suit comes back. A teenager appears out of it. Gabrielle raises an eyebrow and crosses her arms.]

"Uhhh... Who's that?" Ginny asks. The Avengers, Guardians, and Co. all shrug.

TEEN SCOTT LANG: Uh, guys? This... this doesn't feel right.

STEVE ROGERS: What is this?

BRUCE BANNER: What's going on?

NATASHA ROMANOFF: That... who is that?

[He pushes another couple of buttons, trying to fix the problem.]

BRUCE BANNER: Hold on. [Panicking]


TEEN SCOTT LANG: Yes, it's Scott!


[Teen Scott gets sucked back into the quantum tunnel, and it appears to be an old man in the Ant-Man suit.]

OLD SCOTT LANG: Ow! My back!

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