Chapter Eight - Is It Worth the Price?

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Artemisia stood stiffly beside Feng, a red wig on her head and green color changing contacts. She licked her lips as Feng held her close. Smoke engulfed them all as they changed into Zero clothing. She stood stiffly beside her knights... her friends. "This is foolish..." her heart was in her throat, her gut twisting as she wore the very uniform, that was used, worn to kill her siblings.
"It's the only way..." Feng answered, pulling her closer. Her heart was pounding.
"If Zero's plan doesn't work... we're all dead..." then, they were allowed to go, to leave. Princess Artemisia walked onto the ship moment later. "That actually worked."
"It seems so." She looked back and at the Japanese people.
"They shall realize I am missing any moment now..."

Artemisia stood before Zero, her eyes focused on him. She swallowed, the duo were alone. "You wanted to see me..." her eyes stared at him. "Lelouch." She finished. Hope exploding in her chest as a familiar laugh left his throat. The man pulled off his helmet, and she almost lunged, instead, tears filled her eyes.
"Yes, it is I, my beloved sister." Venom filled her voice as she spoke.
"Why did you kill Clovis and Euphemia." Her tears fell as he jerked back. "All either of them wanted was to find you and Nally, they wanted you back." She fisted at him. "They wanted you safe!"
"I needed to know the truth of our mother."
"Was it worth the price." She snapped, Lelouch stared at her, and he answered with one word.
"Yes." Her heart broke, her head dipped.
"I wish I could say I'm surprised." She walked firward, then hugged her brother. "As much as I am disappointed, mad, I cannot hate my twin." She pulled away, tears still in her eyes. "I am glade you are alright."

Artemisia, under the name of Mei, stood beside Feng in the reception hall. Her shoulders stiff as Arte-Mei looked to her kni-friend. "Should we really be here Feng?" She whispered, her eyes focused on Schnizeul. "I could be recognized." She whispered.
"Do not worry my pr-lady." Feng said. "They haven't come out with you missing yet, they are still investigating." He looked over. "I must say, adding bits of our own blood was a good touch." Her hand moved to a bandage along her forearm.
"It's the best way to make it look more convincing." She said, watching as her two brothers prepared for a chess match. She swallowed as she watched the match, her lips pursed, up until there was attack, Artemisia had no time to react as Feng jumped between her and the table, despite them being a ways away. All she could do was watch the events unfold with wide eyes.

    The next day, the princess stared at her father took the empress prisoner, Feng lunged, grabbing her and picking her up. "Wha! Feng!?" Her voice, she forgot to feign her accent, in an attempt to hide her Feng hid her face in his chest as he ran.
    "We must go my princess! Amelia! Yuki!"
    "Coming!" Together the four disappeared. But not before Schnizeul realized just who the girl Feng was carrying was. Realization struck him.
    "Catch them!" Artemisia's brother shouted. Pointing at Feng, Amelia, and Yuki. "Those are the people who kidnapped my sweet sister, the Third Princess Artemisia and killed Sir Feng, Lady Amelia, and Lady Yuki, along with my sisters beloved dogs, horse, and stole her beloved Nightmare Eris!" Feng ran as Artemisia, Mei, peeked over his shoulder, her now green eyes looking into Schnizeul's purple ones. Something hit the Princess then, realization, then guilt. Her head dipped into her knights shoulder as tears welled up in her eyes.
    "Is it all really worth it, Feng?" There was a battle, Feng jumped out a window.
    "I don't understand my princess." The man asked.
    "My freedom... is it really worth your lives? Is it really worth this?" She stared at the battle, because she couldn't believe this, couldn't believe that she was truly worth this. She was shocked when Feng's hand moved to her head, pulling it into his chest and away from her brother's eyes.
    "You, my dear princess, are more than worth it." Her head dipped into his chest as he ran. "You are our life, and we want to protect you." Her eyes watered even more.
    "My father will have you all killed..." she whispered, whether she was trying to remind him or her she didn't know, maybe it was both.
    "I know, we know, and we're ready." He whispered. "My princess, do you trust me?" He asked, and she blinked.
    "Of course I do." She replied, then, they were off.

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