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that next morning red woke up at exactly 5am she fought the urge to wake chloe. the girl knew she wasn't under the strict rules of wonderland anymore but old habits die hard so she got up got ready for her day made sure everything in the room was perfect almost as if no one lived there infact she almost reached for her mothers rule book to do her daily read of it. back home every morning she's open the book just incase there was something she had missed. she never did missed anything but under the watchful eyes of the card-guards she could never be to careful.

at 7am chloe finally woke up slowly sitting up and yawning her hair a mess and eyes barely open.

"you're awake." red said almost as a question.

"yeah did i sleep in?" chloe asked hoping she wasn't about to be late for her first day but red shook her head double checking her bed was made perfectly.

"no you're okay it's 7 i'm used to getting up early so i've been up a while." red spoke sitting on her desk.

"how could anyone mistake you for a villain. i mean look at you. you follow every rule." chloe laughed standing up. this struck red slightly. reminding her of the night before she was invited to auradon. she snuck out a lot she broke stole lied cheated she definitely didn't follow rules but everytime her mother caught up to her antics it put red into line she'd drop the rebel mindset for a few weeks until it caught back up to her. and it always caught back up with her.

"well what can i say i'm missunderstood." red pouted jokingly then looked at the time ok the clock above her bed.

"i should start getting ready before i end up being late." chloe dismissed reds comment beginning to get dressed. red turned away in respect but chloes comment shot into her head 'you follow every rule' every rule. follow. every rule. red kept repeating the words in her mind. over and over again just trying to let them sink in.

"okay i'm ready let's go." chloe smiled as she went to step out of the door.

"teeth. hair. and you still have your slippers on." chloe looked down seeing her fake glass sleep slippers on her feet still. she pointed at red grabbing her tooth brush and hair brush running out of the dorm and down the hall.

once chloe returned she was fully dressed minus her shoes but she was quick to put them on.

"okay now let's go." she smiled grabbing her bag and opening the door to let red leave first. red had still been limping from the night before although it wasn't as bad last night.

both girls made it to their chemistry class late due to mixing up where they had to be. red said it was to the left chloe knew it was straight on. so they went right in hopes they were both incorrect but ended up in the gym so then they went through corridors hoping somehow their endless walking would take them to chemistry which it did but only after the ball rang ten minutes prior.

"you're late." the teacher hummed as the door opened revealing red and chloe standing in shame.

"no doubt it's due to the villain." he spoke while spinning around and passing both girls a sheet of paper.

"sorry sir." red nodded walking away to one of the two open seats in the class.

"yeah i'm sorry we got lost." chloe apologised stepping to the seat in the front of the class.

turns out chemistry is not chloe's strong suit because she had no clue what the teacher was talking about. red on the other hand knew ever last bit of information being drilled into her skull. in wonderland chemistry was taught rarely but you needed to know about it like it's a must meaning red had learnt this years prior to coming to auradon.

both girls thought the class was boring and dragged along as they sat doing no work wanting to violently head but the table in desperation to leave the room.
after what felt like hours the bell rung out red and chloe were the first up and out practically running to their next class.

"that was so boring." red complained pulling at random strands of her hair as she leaned against a wall waiting for the teacher to arrive.

"i know." chloe sighed kicking her feet around. red looked around at everyone who was around them. loads of people speaking in big groups with their friends gossiping pointing fingers at other gossipers.

"i used to love chemistry but that teacher has made me hate it." red said still looking around at the other students.

"same...hey red." chloe stepped closer to red tapping her shoulder so the girl drew her attention back to the conversation.

"yeah?" red looked over to chloe. she realised in this moment she'd never noticed chloe in a deeper sense. she'd spent time with the girl but for some reason she'd never stood and truly looked into chloe's eyes or noticed her hair the way it fell her face how her features complimented each other so perfectly.

"what was wonderland schooling like?" the blue haired girl asked leaning her head against the door just as the teacher walked up to the room causing chloe to step back.

"erm can we talk about that later? it's a lot to unpack." red apologetically asked as chloe nodded.

"oh yeah no no of course we can." the girl waved off as both of them stepped into the classroom.

it was easy for anyone to notice chloe and red in the school. they both had the bright hair if you sat them in a room with everyone else like how they were right now you'd see them immediately. the red and blue hair in the back of the class sat slightly away from other people in a sea of brown and blonde headed girls and boys those two stuck out. and the clothes they sported the dark red and black with gold flickers to tie it all together then chloe with her light blue and silver and sparks of white once again when everyone's wearing traditional suits and dresses it makes the two seem like the odd ones out.

"look." chloe handed red her phone showing a stupid funny video.

red laughed louder than she expected and in a panic threw the phone to chloe who tried to catch it.

"blue and red in the back!" the teacher shouted causing red to sit up straight and hope to raise her hand.

"my names actually chloe." she said making the teacher roll his eyes.

"and you? what's your name?" he looked at red who pointed to herself looking around.

"red." she stated looking bad down.

"very funny. what's your name." he spoke in a rude tone not believing the girl.

"no seriously her name is red. princess red if you want to be technical." the teachers eyes went wide almost immediately realising he was being rude to off with his head jr.

"oh my apologies miss- princess red." he looked down in shame and fear spinning around to carry on with the lesson.

"o hate when people call me princess." red muttered for chloe to hear. chloe gasped realising she'd probably upset her friend.

"oh im sorry." red just smiled and waved it off carrying on with her work.

after that the lesson was spent with both girls not muttering a word to each other or anyone else in fact. red hadn't grasped the rules or how you was supposed to act in auradon so she kept her mouth shut and her head down like in wonderland hoping to get it right.

chloe on the other hand had never been in trouble or even called out in a negative way so the fact she had just been called out in front of the whole class embarrassed her. she needed to be perfect she needed to represent cinderellasburg and she won't be able to do that if she's messing around.

chloe slowly looked at red thinking about how she only started acting like this after she met red. thoughts flew through chloe's mind about how she needed to figure out what was best for her image. even if that meant leaving reds side and turning to the kids who grew up like her...the ones who she knew would set her straight.


this chapter hasn't been proof read i'm sorry if there is mistakes or parts don't make sense!
kinda a shorter part this time sorry if it seemed rushed! it's more of a filler but also a segway to them part

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