where am i

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Chloe found herself in a quiet sanctuary, her fingers methodically balancing the various options in her mind. As she pondered the potential outcomes, she whispered to herself, "On the positive side, Red is still alive. We can finally be together, and that makes me happy. Knowing that no one is dead, especially Red, is a huge relief. The only potential drawback I can think of is..." Her voice trailed off as she struggled to envision any downside that could possibly outweigh the relief of Red's continued existence. For Chloe, the certainty that Red would not be lost was the sole reassurance she needed to embrace her chosen path.

As Chloe's trembling finger hovered over the cool metal surface of the antique pocket watch, her mind raced with the memories of her first-time travel experience. She and Red had sought to prevent Red's mother but instead found themselves flung back further through time. Would the pocket watch transport her to the moment just before Red's death, or would it hurl her back even further into the past? With tear-streaked cheeks, Chloe rose from the floor and began to move towards her bed.

Just as she settled onto the edge of the mattress, a sudden knock at the door shattered the silence, causing Chloe to startle and her hands to clench into fists. In her sudden movement, she inadvertently pressed the button on the pocket watch, and a surge of energy pulsed through her body, causing her to collapse onto the bed.

However, the sensation was not what she expected. Instead of the soft embrace of her familiar bedding, she felt the cold, unyielding touch of hard concrete beneath her.

Chloe's eyes were tightly shut, her heart racing with fear of the unknown. Without opening her eyes, she slowly sat up, clutching the antique pocket watch close to her chest, its intricate engravings pressing against her trembling fingers.

"The royal baby has been born!" a loud voice said, finally causing Chloe to open her eyes.

As she gazed around in disbelief, the breathtaking courtyard unfolded before Chloe's eyes. Lush roses adorned the surroundings, their delicate beauty adding to the place's enchantment. Giant heart-shaped decorations were scattered throughout, creating an atmosphere of sheer wonder. Suddenly, Chloe's eyes locked onto a majestic red castle encircled by an array of intricately designed hearts.

"Wonderland," Chloe murmured as she finally realised the magical place she had found herself in.

'Chloe carefully recited the words in her memory: "Royal baby. Red. This is the day Red was born." She gently secured the vintage watch in her pocket, a token of great significance in her mission.

Navigating through the crowd, Chloe couldn't help but notice the curious glances directed her way. While everyone else sported almost identical attire, she confidently stood out in a striking shade of blue, a colour forbidden in the enigmatic realm of Wonderland.

Contemplating the reason behind her journey to this particular moment in time, Chloe pondered the intricacies of fate. Could Red's tragic demise truly be attributed to the circumstances of her birth?

Chloe was determined to locate Red—the infant Red—to uncover the reason for her presence here. Even though the tiny baby wouldn't be able to provide much assistance, Chloe hoped that some clues would reveal themselves to address her questions even before she voiced them.

Believing that Red might be situated within the massive castle, Chloe headed in that direction and spotted the doors being protected by two men armed with axes. 'How thrilling!'Chloe carefully considered her options as she surveyed the looming castle ahead of her. With a determined look, she decided to veer off onto a path leading to the rear of the castle.

As she journeyed along this new path, she noticed the lush foliage that enveloped the castle, with leaves and branches gracefully climbing up the ancient walls to reach the few visible windows. Chloe couldn't help but sigh, realising that she might have to navigate this natural obstacle to reach her destination.

So, after standing in dread for a few minutes, Chloe began climbing the walls until she reached a window. As she peered inside, her heart dropped, seeing a sleeping queen of hearts.

Chloe's shock caused her hand to drop, almost sending her to plummet to her death. Luckily, she caught herself before she fell.

She cautiously shifted toward the window and noticed another one situated slightly above and to the left. With beads of sweat forming on her palms, Chloe inched her way over to the adjacent window, fearing that she might slip. However, she managed to grasp the window frame and pull herself up slowly, allowing her to peer inside.

To Chloe's delight, she looked at a baby cot placed in the centre of a vividly red room as the sound of a crying baby filled the air.

Chloe cautiously approached the window and pushed it up, silently praying that it would open without a sound. As she carefully hoisted herself into the room, she made a conscious effort to minimise any noise, fearing that it might alert the guards to the presence of an intruder near the new royal's chambers.

Making her way over to the cot, Chloe's heart swelled with tenderness as she caught sight of a tiny, newborn baby girl letting out heartrending cries. The infant couldn't have been more than an hour old.

Despite her limited knowledge of infants and their needs, Chloe felt an overwhelming sense of responsibility to comfort the lonely, whimpering newborn who had been left unattended at such a fragile stage of life.

"Hey there, little Red," Chloe whispered soothingly, gently pulling back the top of the cot to reveal the distraught baby girl.

"I'm Chloe. You haven't met me yet." Chloe smiled before hearing a loud shout from another room.

"If you don't shut that baby up, I'll have a heart burnt into her back!" Chloe knew that voice. Red's mother was already threatening her when she was just a few hours old.

Chloe felt a surge of panic as she realized that if Red didn't stop crying, the distressing moment would be etched into her memory before she even had a chance to open her eyes. In a frantic rush, Chloe carefully picked up Red, supporting her head, and began whispering soothing words.

"Shhhh, it's alright. I'm here for you. Don't worry, nothing will go wrong anymore, Red. I'll make sure of it. Whenever you need me most, I'll be here. I might have to leave for a little while, but I promise I'll return before anything makes you lose hope," Chloe whispered, tears welling in her eyes. Although she wasn't speaking to 'her' Red, she was still addressing Red, and the thought of having her back in her life filled Chloe with a determination never to let Red feel any pain ever again.

As the minutes passed, Chloe found that the longer she cradled Red, the more the baby's cries subsided until they ceased altogether. With a gentle and deliberate motion, the teenager carefully lowered the baby into the crib and gazed intently at her tiny form, taking in every detail. Suddenly, a glint caught her eye as she noticed a soft light emanating from her jacket pocket.

Curious, Chloe reached into the pocket and retrieved the pocket watch. To her amazement, it was gleaming and the hands on the clock were swiftly advancing, almost as if time itself were in a rush.

"Hm that's new." Chloe commented before feeling her body being pulled back and her eyes shut.


Heyyyy! First moment of Reds life Chloe has changed!! This is the smallest change that will happen keep that in mind! Hope you're enjoying this!

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