paint it red

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Red was furiously shoving clothes and belongings into her suitcase, her hands trembling with anger and frustration. Tears streamed down her face as she berated herself for single-handedly ruining everything in just one night. As she sobbed, the door to the dorm creaked open, and Chloe's voice called out.

"Hey Red, are you here?" Chloe's bright smile faded instantly as she saw Red's tear-stained face, her concern and confusion evident in her eyes.

Red's attempt to conceal her tears was in vain. Chloe had witnessed her distress and was now peering into Red's suitcase, watching as she haphazardly stuffed items inside.

"What's going on? Why are you packing, Red? What happened?" Chloe's voice quivered with concern as she hurried over to Red as Chloe started frantically removing the clothes Red had hastily crammed into the case. Red quietly retrieved the garments from Chloe and began placing them back inside.

"Uma has told me to leave, Chloe. I'm done here. I can't stay any longer. I'm leaving for good," Red explained with a sniffle, wiping her tear-stained face as she continued to pack her belongings.

Chloe shook her head, tears streaming down her own face.

"No, don't be stupid, Red. You aren't leaving. You can't leave. We haven't done the things I've always wanted to, like when I wanted a boyfriend but then realized I wanted you all along. Then I tell you, and we cry together, and then I ask you on our first date at the enchanted lake. Red, you can't leave. I'm not ready," Chloe said, her voice trembling as she started pacing around the room in a frenzy. While Red stared at her smiling.

"I-i can fix this! We can- we can go to Uma's office and- and we will talk to her we can fix this I- me! I- I can fix this Red I swear I will!" Chloe nodded looking at Red who was crying but smiling.

"Realize you always wanted me, huh?" Red's soft, sarcastic tone carried a hint of humour and comfort, which soothed Chloe's frayed nerves.

"Red, please," Chloe pleaded.

"We fought evil, we changed the past, and then we did it all over again. You saved my life, and I saved yours, Blue. We've lived a lifetime in mere seconds," Red said in an attempt to reassure Chloe, but it seemed to have the opposite effect.

"We never got to live our real lives, Red. You never had a life. I was supposed to test you on the true meaning of life, that it's more than just surviving," Chloe said resignedly, walking towards Red. As they met, both girls reached out to hold each other's hands.

"You taught me that the day we met. And again when you offered for me to sleep in your bed after I had a nightmare, and neither of us could bring ourselves to stop sharing a bed. Blue, you've been the ultimate light in my dark and sad life. God, you've been the light," Red said, wearing a sad smile and not letting go of Chloe's hands. She wasn't ready to just yet.

"You gave me my shoes. You let me live in my parents' fairy tale," Chloe sobbed, tightening her grip on Red's hands, fearing she would let go.

As Red smiled, she gently released one hand from Chloe's grasp to pick up her suitcase. Chloe started shaking her head, pleading silently for her to stay.

"You, Chloe Charming, are the princess of my dreams. You truly live up to your last name. Perhaps fate will bring us together again. Who knows? Maybe Uma will give me a second chance. Princess, I want to express my deep gratitude for everything you have taught me. It has been an absolute honour and privilege. I sincerely hope that our paths will cross again in the future." Red was acutely aware of the precarious 50/50 odds of survival in Wonderland with her mother. Despite this, her heart yearned to escape and have one final opportunity to see Chloe.

"That sounds like a final goodbye Red. That doesn't sound like an 'I'll see you again.' you are talking like we won't see each other's faces again." Chloe cried.

Red just looked down not being able to face Chloe in that moment.

"I will find a way Red I will get out of Wonderland okay? I promise you that no matter how long it takes I will make sure you're here again." Chloe nodded making sure Red believed her.

"And what if you can't blue? What if your hopes let you down like mine have so many times?" Red sighed not wanting Chloe to get her hopes up.

"It won't happen but if it did. I'd do this."Chloe leant in her tearing face meeting Reds before she kissed her. Really kissed her this time. Both girls stopped holding hands as Chloe wrapped around Red's waist tightly not willing to let go and Red jolted into Chloe's shoulders pulling her as well.

Both girls slowly pulled away but only enough so Chloe could cry into Red's chest and so Red could place soft kisses on top of Chloe's head.

"Blue that felt like a goodbye kiss, you know you can't bring me back," Red whispered as she embraced Chloe.

"I'm not prepared to face that, Red. I'll never be." Chloe's voice trembled as she spoke, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. Red managed a small, sad smile as she leaned in to kiss Chloe's forehead one last time. She then pulled away, ignoring Chloe's pleas for her to stay, and walked out of the room.

As Red walked away from the dorm hearing Chloe's voice get quieter she began getting ready to make sure Auradon never forgot about her.

Red thought while she was packing. She thought for long enough to make her head hurt and all she could think about doing was throwing Red paint bombs over the school and turning it into a big red heart on the front of the big castle-like school. Granted Red could do better and she knew that but she had limited time and in her emotional state, she couldn't do anything better.

So like she promised herself Red stood at the front of the school letting go of her suitcase and opened her bag pulling out balloons full of red paint.

People watched in confusion as Red prepared to throw them in perfect placement.

As the schoolbgan to be painted red, there was an audible gasp from the crowd as the first, second, third, fourth, and fifth balloons exploded in quick succession at the entrance. Red, caught up in the excitement, glanced back momentarily to check how many balloons she had left, just as Uma hurried out of the school to investigate the source of the commotion.

Uma was taken aback by the sight of Red's mischievous display and called out,

"Red!" However, her warning came too late. Red, startled by the sudden shout, unintentionally turned toward the principal just as she released the balloon, causing it to sail directly toward the unsuspecting principal.

Realizing what had happened, Red let out an anxious laugh before darting away, fervently hoping that no one was in pursuit.


okay so things are guna start to get dark now LOL but also if you're confused on why there wasn't much development in the glass heart before they kissed don't forget this is set after the movie and they had chemistry in the film but also this book isn't just about them dating <3

i see that i've sped it up a lot getting to this part but i really wanted to get to the main plot of this book. thanks for reading guys!!

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