Part Three. Adaptation.

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After the Screamers, it's the living that give us the most trouble. Marauders wanting what we have. Bangers wanting our guns. Predators looking for prey. Killers just looking to kill.

It's not just the dead that want to eat you.

Then you got your cults. People like the Solomite Cult, down in Arkansas. You don't even want to know the things that they do.

But we have our people, too. We're a match for any of them.

My Cousin Mike is our leader around here, and turns out he knows some things about running things. This surprised everyone, because back before everything happened Mike had trouble fitting in. He could never find a good job or a good girl, and was always broke and broken. And that's the way it was for twenty years.

He's a big guy, about 6 feet 2, and fit. But still people always tried to push him around. He's smart, but people always thought he was dumb.

But when the Dead came back Mike was the one that took control of things, and got everyone organized. Like he suddenly found his calling.

Now he has things back up tight and running in town. Electricity is flowing, everyone is eating, and all of that. He brought the schools and churches back, and is even working on getting a zoo, for the kids to visit.

Yeah, Mike has everything almost back to normal. Only thing missing is the cell phones and the Internet, and what's left of the government is working to fix that.

Mike always has Sexy Sammy by his side. She is his second in command, right above me.

She used to be a stripper; the rough kind. Danced in places most people don't go. She is an older woman, but she still has a good body.

Her face isn't much, though. She looks too hard and worn down to be feminine.

I mean, they all look that anymore, But I think Sammy looked that way even before.

We don't always get along too well, but I respect her. She's the one that taught us all sign language back in the beginning, so we could talk to each other quiet. That saved a lot of lives right off.

Sammy has her two girls with her; always ready for a fight. Brandy is about nineteen or twenty, and Little Tina is around fifteen. Both are the quickest and best archers we have.

None of them are really related, but they all adopted one another.

Then we have Major Quinn and Old Aggie, watching over the kids at the schoolhouse.

The Major came down with the army back in the beginning, and decided to stay. He still has his military connections, which has saved us plenty.

The Major is tough, but Maggie is tougher. She may be old, but she still makes one hell of an assassin, when we need her.

Then we have Fetch, came down with me from KC, before it was destroyed. Brought his old lady with him.

By old lady I mean old. She was his babysitter growing up, and he fell in love with her.

Fetch and his team travel all over the country, looking for supplies. They can find just about any rare thing you can ask for. Any food or comfort from the past, they can find it better than anyone.

Then we got me, ready for the dirty work.

Now we have a couple hundred people in the town, and about twice as many in the woods around. All of them armed and ready.

We have new people showing up ever day. We feed them till they get their strength back, then we put them to work.

I would die for most of these people, and some of them would do the same thing for me.

We are a good group. We hold our own.

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