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Shreya is telling me, how she came across these twinees and I'm listening while Megha and Barkha were adding up on the info Shreya was giving.

It was the first day of the college and I was super nervous walking down the hallways when my eyes fell on two girls who were looking quite similar, 'must be twins' they were bickering about something, i tried to shorten the distance when I heard:

Megha: I told you thousands of time already Barkha I'm not borrowing your dress. I have my own outfit for the party. (annoyed)

Barkha : For God sake, it's not just any dress, it's selected by me, the expert. You're not going to stand out in that boring outfit of yours. (Exasperated)

Megha: I don't want to stand out. I want to be comfortable.And besides, I don't need to steal your style to look good.(Crossing her arms)

Barkha: It's not stealing, it's sharing and just accept it, i do have a better sense of dressing style.(throwing her hand up)

I was smiling, seeing both of them bickering over a dress on first day of the  college, there was no sign of nervousness in them.
"I was nervous, but she started annoying me that diverted my mind" Megha interrupted.

"Lier, I never annoy anyone" Barkha protested.

"Umm...then?" I signaled them to carryon the story afraid that they'll get started again.

Barkha started:-
I noticed that someone was standing near, smiling and I asked "hey!!! Which one of us has better dressing sense, according to you?" Catching her off guard.

Shreya had really big responsibility on her shoulders now but she surprised us by her answer.

Shreya: Both of you apart from your body structure,face and hair have one more thing in common....

We both looked at her with our eyebrows raised and she continued.

Shreya: while You have paired your black Kurti with blue jean and heal,You look sophisticated and have a classic, refined silhouette with contemporary details which is complementing your personality.( Pointing at Megha)

you look quite playful and wearing mix vibrant, modern pieces with touches of traditional elements, your shrug has traditional prints and jewelleries adding Indian elements, complementing your personality. (Pointing at me, Barkha)

You both have your own way of style according to your different personalities yet similar like your facial features. You both have a fusion of contemporary and modern style.

After that we got to know that Shreya was in the Same department like us, nothing could stop us now.

"And that's how we became buddies" Shreya ended the story.
No doubt, Shreya has a great fashion sense, which is why she’s pursuing fashion design.

We received messages that our classes were delayed due to some urgent meetings. I didn’t have any classes before 2:00 PM, and the same went for them. So, we decided to spend our time sitting here, as all three of them had things to discuss related to what they’d learned. They looked at me with concern, worried I might feel left out, but I reassured them, "Don’t mind me."

I took out my phone and started my 'Battle Ground' game. This game has always been my escape when I’m alone. I’ve spent hours and quite a bit of money on it, buying new weapons and leveling up. Though many streamers love showcasing their skills online, I prefer to remain hidden.

I was engrossed in my game when a loud ‘thud’ echoed through the canteen, pulling my attention away. I removed my headset and turned toward the sound, spotting the 'morning girl' sprawled on the floor. Her light blue T-shirt was smeared with different shades of sauce, and her hair and white pants were a mess. Standing over her were those two girls who had been with Ms. Barbie, or rather, Veronica, earlier this morning. But Veronica herself was nowhere to be seen.

The poor girl was crying, staring at her ruined clothes. "Why did you do this?" she asked, her voice trembling.

"Oh... no, we didn’t do it intentionally. Why would you say that, Priya?" one of them replied, feigning innocence as she placed a hand on her chest. (So, her name is Priya.)

"Because you did... I know you’re messing with me because of what happened this morning," Priya said as she tried to get up. But one of them stomped on her hand, making her scream in pain. I started to stand, ready to rearrange the faces of these bullies, but someone grabbed my hand, pulling me back into my chair.

"No, Maira, you can’t..." Shreya whispered urgently.

"But I have to! No one is doing anything!" I was amazed that not a single person had stepped up to help the poor girl.

"Please, just listen to me. Remember Uncle’s words," Shreya pleaded, still holding onto my hand, trying to keep me from acting on impulse. I could barely contain my frustration; I couldn’t just watch someone being bullied in front of me and do nothing.

"That was the hand you touched the handbag with—the one you clearly don’t deserve, right?" one of the bullies sneered before they walked away, smirking.

We all rushed to help Priya stand. Megha and Barkha took her to the campus health center while Shreya and I gathered our things and hurried after them.

Priya’s hand was bleeding. The doctor cleaned and dressed the wound, then asked, "Oh dear, how did this happen?" We all exchanged glances, unsure of what to say. Shreya was about to speak when Priya interrupted, "I slipped in the canteen, and a chair fell on my hand, causing this," she said, pointing to her injured hand. (How much more foolish could she be?)

We all looked at each other in disbelief. After we left the health center, Barkha asked her, "Why did you lie to the doctor?"

Priya glanced at her bandaged hand and replied, "I don’t want to cross paths with them again, and reporting them will only make things worse for me. You don’t know who they are."

Insecure people become mean and bully others to hide their insecurities," I thought. It’s hard to believe, but it’s the truth. In my opinion, the people who stand by and watch are even worse. I understand that sometimes we can’t intervene for various reasons, but the feeling it leaves you with makes you feel like a horrible person. If you try to stop them, you become the target, so most of us choose not to act out of fear of becoming the next victim. That’s cowardice, and it’s something we all encounter at least once in our lives.

#HarshReality #BitterTruth #LifeLesson

Megha and Barkha's picture available ☝️

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