Rendezvous Night 2 [M]

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Under the muted glow of chandeliers, the remnants of fine wine swirled in delicate glasses, a stark contrast to the tension that filled the air. Adeline felt the weight of the senator’s gaze, a piercing look that seemed to strip away layers of her defenses. The night sky outside was a tapestry of stars, but inside, it was a battlefield of emotions, silent and intense.

Adeline hesitated, her hand hovering over the glass. “I’m not drinking, Ma’a–Tita” she said firmly, trying to steady her voice.

Senator Imee leaned in, her presence overpowering, each word she spoke laced with the authority that commanded respect and fear in equal measure. “You misunderstand,” she murmured, her tone silky but with an edge that cut through the room. “This isn’t a request. There’s nothing to lose and much to gain.”

Adeline could feel the coldness creeping up her spine as Imee's eyes bore into hers, searching for cracks in her resolve. The senator was a woman who got what she wanted, a force of nature in a world where only the strongest survived. The wine was more than just a drink; it was a test, a signal that Adeline was either with them or against them.

“You don’t belong in this world if you can’t handle a simple drink,” Imee’s voice lowered, carrying a threat as subtle as a razor’s edge. “Or perhaps you’d prefer to discuss your loyalties?”

Adeline’s heart pounded, the weight of unspoken consequences hanging heavy between them. She knew this was more than just about drinking—it was about proving where she stood, about showing whether she could be trusted in a world where trust was the rarest currency.

With a deep breath, Adeline reached for the glass, her fingers trembling as they closed around it. The senator watched, a slow, satisfied smile curling on her lips, her eyes never leaving Adeline’s. This was a game of power, and Adeline was only beginning to understand the rules.

Adeline’s fingers trembled as they hovered over the glass, her thoughts spiraling in a tangled web of doubt and desperation. She knew there was no easy escape from this moment. Her future mother-in-law's approval was a prize too valuable to lose, and if this small act could sway Imee’s perception of her, then perhaps it was worth the discomfort. After all, it was just wine—how much harm could it do?

She surely wouldn't disappoint her soon to be mother in law right?

With a deep breath, she lifted the glass to her lips, her movements slow and deliberate. The liquid shimmered in the dim light, as if taunting her hesitation. Finally, she took a sip, feeling the coolness of the wine against her lips before it slid down her throat.

As the taste settled, Adeline forced a smile, trying to mask the discomfort that settled in her gut like a lead weight. “Surprisingly, it’s good, Tita,” she said, her voice steady despite the turmoil inside.

Imee’s eyes narrowed, the satisfaction in her smile growing as she watched Adeline. It was a small victory for the senator, a subtle show of dominance in a world where power plays were as delicate as they were dangerous. The older woman’s gaze was unrelenting, piercing through the veneer of calm Adeline tried to maintain.

But beneath that mask, Adeline’s stomach churned, the wine hitting her harder than she expected. She could feel the burn spreading, a reminder that this world was far more treacherous than it appeared. Yet, as she set the glass down, she knew she couldn’t back out now. The die was cast, and there was no turning back.

"See, nothing lost," the senator uttered, her voice smooth and reassuring as she lifted her glass and took a delicate sip, her eyes never leaving Adeline's. The older woman's demeanor was calculated, a subtle yet powerful assertion of control.

As the night wore on, the tension between them began to ease, replaced by a semblance of calmness. Their conversation flowed more naturally, the awkwardness slowly giving way to something resembling a connection, or at least the beginnings of one. Adeline found herself relaxing, the senator's words drawing her in, each sentence weaving a sense of familiarity that hadn’t been there before.

But with each sip of wine, Adeline was unwittingly consuming more alcohol than she realized. The warmth in her stomach gradually turned into a haze, and the senator’s words, once clear and sharp, began to blur together. Adeline blinked, trying to focus, but the room seemed to waver around her, the once solid lines of reality softening into an indistinct swirl.

She tried to keep up, to maintain her composure, but the effort was growing more difficult by the minute. The senator’s face, once so intimidating, now seemed to waver in and out of focus. Adeline’s thoughts became sluggish, and she knew she was nearing her limit.

Maybe it’s time to close the conversation, she thought, struggling to keep her voice steady as she reached for a way to gracefully end the evening. She could feel the alcohol weighing her down, making it harder to think, harder to maintain the facade she had worked so hard to build.

But she couldn’t let the senator see her falter. Not now. "It’s getting late, Tita" Adeline managed, her words careful and measured, despite the fog creeping into her mind. "Perhaps we should continue this another time."

The senator’s smile remained, but there was a glint in her eyes that Adeline couldn’t quite decipher. As Imee nodded, Adeline felt a small sense of relief, though the tension in the room remained, coiled like a snake ready to strike. She knew that tonight was just the beginning—a small battle in a much larger war.

As Adeline pushed herself to stand, the world around her spun violently. Her legs gave out beneath her, and she collapsed back onto the couch, her head swimming as if caught in a storm. Her vision blurred, and it took all her strength to keep her eyes open. Panic welled up inside her, but her body felt heavy, unresponsive, as though it had been drained of all its strength.

Through the fog, Adeline's gaze fell on the wine glasses on the table. Her glass was empty, drained of every drop, but the senator's glass- still nearly full-sat untouched. Realization crept in slowly, piecing together a puzzle her mind struggled to complete. When she managed to turn her head, she saw Senator Imee leaning in closer, her smile wide and unsettling, as if she had been waiting for this exact moment.

Adeline tried to move, to speak, but her body refused to obey. Every attempt to gather her thoughts only sent another wave of dizziness crashing over her. The senator's touch was electric, sending a shiver down Adeline's spine, yet in her intoxicated state, it felt oddly comforting, almost like a lifeline in the chaos.

As Imee leaned in, the kiss was sudden, forceful, catching Adeline off guard. She felt herself responding, her movements guided more by the haze of alcohol than by conscious thought. There was a fire in the kiss, a dominance that Imee imposed effortlessly, and Adeline, lost in her intoxicated state, could do nothing but follow. The lines between resistance and desire blurred, and all she could feel was the senator's overpowering presence, enveloping her completely.

The night had taken a turn Adeline hadn't anticipated, and in her vulnerable state, she was caught in a web of control she couldn't escape. The senator's dominance was undeniable, and Adeline, though dimly aware of the power play at hand, was too far gone to resist.

“Talking about loyalty, when you kissed me so damn well. I'm so much better than my beloved son, Sleep tight, Adeline”,


Can't stop making one shots like this😭😭 fr I'm obsessed

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