Chapter 7 - Aisha

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~ ~ ~ 1996

    The sound of the bell echoed through the school halls and classes, alerting those inside to head to their next classes, one step closer to the end of the day.

    The once empty halls filled quickly with the loud chatter of students, eagerly chatting away with friends and colleagues.

    A certain pair of friends stood out from the rest as they walked through the crowd, smiling and laughing together effortlessly. The wave of people seemed nonexistent to them as they continued on to reach their tin lockers.

    "I did so get here before you, I just didn't join the class at the same time, I accidentally left my schedule at home and had to go ask for the school secretary for a new one..and wait in the line of kids who had also forgotten theirs." Hunter giggled "it was so embarrassing waiting in line next to all the 6th graders!"

    "Well at least you blend in with the crowd right?" Quipped Blossom, receiving a playful shove from her best friend for the witty remark

    "Yea yea very funny, how'd your sleep over go any how? It had to have been good sense it caused you of all people to be late on the first day!" Hunter said with a small but noticeable smirk.

    Blossom continued on to tell him every little detail about the night she had with her sister and bestie, Janet Holloway as he grabbed the needed books for next period.

    There was something so easy, so comforting about their in between class talks. In that short amount of time it felt as if the world had just stopped for them entirely, letting them gush and catch up with one another as if they hadn't seen the other just 30 minutes before.

     Hunter had hoped that wouldn't change with the arrival of next year. High school. Back to being freshman once again. Of course it would come with changes but he wished Blossom would remain the constant in his chaotic life.

    He had felt like this in elementary school too, worrying about middle school and what would happen between them and that all worked out fine didn't it? He would argue they've actually become closer, growing together these past 3 years but..he couldn't help but wonder "what if?.."

     "Hunter? You're zoning out again." The blonde tapped him right in the middle of his forehead to gain his attention back. Hunter rubbed the spot, pretending to look wounded and Blossom rolled her sky blue eyes.

    "Ow that hurt! And I wasn't zoned out I was listening!" He argued.

    He really hadn't been listening but not wanting to make a fool of himself persuaded him into lying which probably wasn't the best idea because she could practically predict when he was going to lie.

He had a tell that's for sure, what it was he'd never know since Blossom refused to give away her secrets so that he could try and control it for next time. Though honestly he'd most likely forget what she had said was his tell by the next afternoon and go right back to being a horrible liar.

"Oh really?" Blossom smirked "what was I talking about then Hunter dear? Hmm?"

He looked around at his surroundings, as if the answer would be written on the wall for him. It wasn't of course but he saw another opportunity and took it without hesitation.

"Tyler! Nick! Over here!" He called out, waving his hands to grab his friends attentions and sure enough it worked.

Blossom scolded him immediately for trying to get out of the question but he just ran over to meet his friends in the middle and drag them back over to where him and Blossom were standing.

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