Ch 31:- Take her, Protect her

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Jungkook looked at you as you placed one last kiss on his forehead before walking out with Neha, who just looked at you both with sympathy. Jungkook just sat there on his knees before he screamt.

"Ahh!! My Love... Come back!! Y/n!! No.. This isn't happening... Please!! Y/n!!! Come back to me..." His cries didn't reduce and with each step away from the room, your heart clenched and your eyes closed tight.

Aaliya rushed in the room and looked at Jungkook before she fell on her knees and side hugged him but that didn't help. He wanted her, He needed her. He kept blaming himself for getting into that accident, for not contacting her, for being so late and for not being there for her during her pregnancy.

"My love.. My love is gone... My life.. My light, everything is gone!! I.. Why did I live!! I could've died!! Should've fucking died in the car accident, Just fucking why?!!!" Jungkook was crying so bad, it made Aaliya tear up, "P-Please calm down... Jungkook..."

She herself was shivering cause of the way he was crying. He cried so bad like someone was ripping him to shreds, like someone was stabbing him to death or like someone had set him on fire. He was done, done of his life.

A life without her was useless to him.

"Jungkook... Jungkook please-" "N-No... I'll die.. I can't live without her!!! Aaliya please... Get her back!! I want her!! I need her, she is my oxygen Aaliya, I'll die.. I'll fucking die.." That was the moment Aaliya slapped him on his cheek hard.

Jungkook stopped, he went blank. Aaliya held his collar and shook him, "Are you even thinking Jeon Jungkook?!! You wanna die?!! Then what will happen to the baby there??! She is crying there hearing her dad cry so bad!! And you wanna give up?!"

"Aren't dads supposed to be strong, to protect their kid from any harm?? You are pushing her to her own death Jeon!! Are you even thinking?!! You are going crazy right now!!! Use your brains!!" Aaliya yelled and looked at him.

That's when the baby's cries hit Jungkook's ears. He looked at Aaliya before getting up and going towards Rhea. He looked at the baby, before slowly taking her in his arms. The baby, looked at him with her doe teary eyes as Jungkook slowly cradled her in his arms. 

"Shhh shh my little sunshine.. Calm down.. look Dada is here... he is always here... im sorry.. sorry for coming late honey.. but I'm here... please.. look I'm not crying anymore.." Jungkook tried to give his best bunny smile but useless, he was broke but he didn't want his child to know it. He slowly started humming a song. (Imagine Euphoria or Still with you)

The baby slowly calmed down as Jungkook sighed and looked at her. He noticed the small details of hers, the doe eyes, the mole under the lip, she was his ditto copy. He smiled and pecked her forehead,

"I'll protect you.. Protect you and take you with me..."


I'm crying here... ahhh this is soo heart breaking T_T

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