9- A Night To Remember

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Most people would think that, after the final battle against Muzan, and winning, all of the slayers would be happy.

That they would be happy after surviving such a battle, after winning such a battle.

Well, those people would be proven wrong.

Most of the survivors, were still in the mourning stage.

They had lost family, friends, loved ones.

Their lives would never be the same after that battle.

One such example would be Sanemi Shinazugawa.

After loosing his dear baby brother, that he had worked so hard to protect, he had lost all the light in his life.

Everyday was the same to him.

Wake up, eat, take a nap, go to the doctor's, eat, nap, eat, nap, eat, then sleep.

Sanemi's life just continued on like that.

He saw how happy Giyuu had become.

How dare he be that happy after the death of their comrades, their master.

The rage he feels is undeniable, and so is his jealousy.

He wanted to be happy like that.

He wanted to smile like that.

He wanted to feel as if he had accomplished something amazing.

And here he was, just waiting for the curse to take it's effect and kill him.

One day, he was walking by a bar.

The bar had multiple middle-aged men drinking and having fun.

Would drinking be fun for him?

He wanted to test that out.

He has been living in this loop for like 6 months now, it's time for a change is it not?

It's time to do something about the open scars is it not?

He was already another version of the before Giyuu, it's time to turn into another person he despised is it not?

So the bought several bottles of sake and snuck them into his room.

He then sat on the floor, his face scrunches; as if he's contemplating on doing it or not.

He resistantly opened a bottle of sake, and looked into the clear content inside the bottle.

He then lifted the bottle to his mouth, taking a sip.

One thing led to another, and he is now laying on the floor, in a room where his drunken state ruined it's tidiness by trashing everything around.

The albino was laying on the floor, catch his breath.

He caused such a disaster.

He was a mess.

I mean, abandoning your little brother is one thing, but attempting to blind him something else entirely.

And as the months went on, Sanemi became a heavy drinker.

If he woke up hungover, that was more reason to drink.

It became his addiction.

And he was desperate to destroy everything that's around him while he's in this state.

He was able to drink the night away.

Drink the day away even.

And then wake up with a headache.

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