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Waking up in our new apartment felt like a dream. The morning sun filtered through the sheer curtains, casting a warm glow over the room as we stretched awake. We made breakfast together, the rich aroma of coffee mingling with the crisp scent bacon and pancakes. We carried our plates out to the balcony, where the city below sprawled out like a living tapestry. Tate, with a gleam in his eye, declared that it felt like we were royalty, gazing down at the bustling streets beneath us, and I couldn't help but agree with his sentiment.

It was Saturday, a rare day off for both of us. I had the weekend free from work, and Tate's next baseball game wasn't until Monday. We decided to embrace the weekend's potential for relaxation by lounging in our pajamas and immersing ourselves in a marathon of The Last Airbender. It was the perfect way to settle into our new surroundings.

The night before had been a flurry of activity. After Tate's game, we made a late-night dash to Walmart for groceries and some much needed clothes to replace the ones destroyed. Exhausted, we opted for an Uber to take us to our new apartment, a small luxury that seemed worth the splurge. The fact I had a two month reprieve from rent might have helped.

  Tate, already irritable from lack of sleep and the sting of his game's loss, wasn't thrilled about the prospect of temporary living arrangements. I knew he, like me, wasn't fond of change.

Yet, as soon as we stepped into the building, his mood lightened. His grumbling faded into a mix of curiosity and excitement as he helped me lug our bags through the lobby. The elevator ride was a small adventure in itself; his eyes widened in surprise as I tapped the key card to access our floor. The moment we entered our apartment, he dropped the groceries and began exploring with an energy that was infectious. I couldn't help but laugh at the chorus of "Wow!" and "Look at this!" that rang out as he discovered each corner, his enthusiasm palpable as he eagerly explored our 'temporary' home.

Our lazy Saturday seamlessly bled into Sunday, but by the time lunch rolled around, Tate was beginning to show signs of restlessness. Reluctantly, I traded my pajamas for something more appropriate for the day. Once dressed and ready, we decided to venture out and explore. I had checked my phone and discovered a nearby park and a few charming shops within walking distance.

As we left the apartment, a smile tugged at my lips when I heard my serious little boy proclaim, "I'll push the button!" as we approached the elevator. He's growing up so quickly—less inclined to hug me in public, harder to amuse with my playful antics, and ever more aware of the world around him. Yet, in these fleeting moments of innocent exuberance, I find myself savoring every detail, storing them away for the inevitable day when they'll be but a distant memory.

The elevator doors slid open to reveal Xavier and another man. Both men appeared deep in serious conversation, their expressions intense. Xavier noticed me first, his frown deepening as a pronounced line formed between his eyes. I was momentarily tempted to smooth it out, but quickly dismissed the thought. This man seemed a world apart from me—both in terms of distance and status. The other man, handsome in a well-fitted suit with neatly gelled brown hair, cleared his throat, drawing my attention.

"Are you getting off?" Tate's impatience cut through the silence.

All eyes turned to him. Tate regarded the men with a hard, mistrustful stare before glancing at me with a look of embarrassment. He is mindful of my values about manners, though his protective instincts were often triggered, especially after the incident with his teammate's father.

I raised my eyebrows, silently signaling that we would discuss this later. He shrugged and shot one last wary glance at the men, who continued to watch us with a mix of curiosity and amusement.

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