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You and Jimin arrive at Jungkook's house and can hear him singing loudly before you even enter. When you step inside, you find him at the karaoke machine, his voice a little rough, clearly drunk. The moment Jungkook spots you, he shouts, "Noona, you're here finally!" He stumbles over, pulling you into a tight hug, his usual strong embrace a bit unsteady.

"What happened?" you ask, concern lacing your voice, but he just waves you off, turning to give Jimin a hug as well.

Jungkook's words are slurred, but he's still strong, trying to keep himself up. "Just love, Noona," he says suddenly, his voice heavy. "Don't hold back. Learn from me. Don't stay in your position, loving someone and backing off."

You exchange a glance with Jimin, who's clearly worried too. "Jungkook-ah, we are here now. What happened to you?" Jimin asks gently.

But Jungkook doesn't answer directly, instead, he looks at you with a mix of sadness and determination. "Don't be like me, Noona," he insists, his eyes glossy from both the alcohol and emotions. "If you love someone, you go for it. Fight for it."

You know he's speaking to your heart, about the feelings you've kept hidden, the ones Jungkook knows but has never exposed. Jimin stays quiet, watching him with deep concern.

"Kookie..." you start, but he cuts you off with a soft smile, though it's tinged with pain. "It's okay. I just want you to be happy."

Jungkook's strength seems to fluctuate and he leans heavily on you. You and Jimin guide him to the couch, where he slowly calms down, his energy draining as sleep starts to take over. "You'll be okay," he mumbles, half-asleep now, "Just don't... don't be afraid."

As he finally drifts off, you and Jimin sit beside him, a heavy silence filling the room. There's so much left unsaid, but for now, you're just grateful to have each other to lean on.


After Jungkook falls asleep, you and Jimin decide to take him to his bedroom. Jimin gently lifts Jungkook, and you both guide him to his bed. Once he's lying down, you tuck him in, pulling the blanket over him. Your heart aches seeing Jungkook like this, so vulnerable and hurt. You've never seen him like this before. As you stand there, your tears start to fall silently.

Jimin notices and gently pats your shoulder. "It's hard to see him like this, isn't it?" he says softly.

You nod, wiping your tears. "It breaks my heart, Jimin. Even though he didn't tell us what he's going through, I can feel his pain."

Jimin sighs, his eyes filled with concern. "Jungkook is strong, but even the strongest people have moments when they can't hold it all in. We're here for him, and that's what matters."

You both walk quietly out of the bedroom, and you decide to check on Bam. Bam is lying near the kitchen, and when he sees you, his tail wags happily. You fill his water bowl, and Bam comes over, nuzzling against you. He's always been close to you, sensing your emotions.

After making sure Bam is okay, you and Jimin start cleaning up the mess in Jungkook's house. The remains of his lonely night are everywhere-empty bottles, a half-eaten meal. As you pick things up, you and Jimin start talking about love, the conversation flowing naturally.

"Love is strange, isn't it?" Jimin says as he throws away some trash. "It can lift you up so high, but it can also bring you down like nothing else."

You nod, feeling the truth of his words. "It's powerful. But sometimes, it's scary to really open up, to let someone in."

Jimin glances at you, sensing there's more you're not saying. But he doesn't press, just smiles softly. "I guess we all have our reasons for holding back sometimes."

She, is the 8th (Y/N) - BTS AUWhere stories live. Discover now