There's no place like home

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After a few days of Y/N's condition improving, the doctor decides it’s time for her to go home. Resting at home, the doctor says, will help her memory come back slowly. Y/N, Namjoon, and their parents arrive at Y/N's house, where they are greeted by Dumbo, who is overjoyed to see her again. Dumbo wags his tail excitedly, jumping around Y/N as she bends down to hug him.

Inside the house, Jungkook is waiting for them. He’s been taking care of Dumbo while Y/N was in the hospital. When Y/N sees Jungkook, she smiles warmly. "Thank you for looking after Dumbo," she says, and Jungkook just grins, "Anything for you, Noona."

The group heads to Y/N's balcony, where a surprise is waiting. Jin, Hobi, Suga, Taehyung, Jimin, and the manager have put together a small welcome home gathering for Y/N. The balcony is decorated with colorful balloons, a big “Welcome Home Y/N” banner, and party poppers. There’s also a table full of food, all of Y/N’s favorites.

As soon as Y/N steps out onto the balcony, everyone shouts, “Welcome home!” The energy is bright and cheerful, and Y/N can’t help but feel touched by their efforts. Taehyung, with a big grin on his face, walks over and puts a party headband on Y/N. The headband has a cute photo of her face on it, making everyone laugh.

Y/N chuckles, holding Dumbo in her arms. “Thank you, everyone,” she says, her voice filled with gratitude. “I missed the noise and the fresh air. It’s so good to be home.”

The atmosphere is light and full of joy. Y/N looks around at her friends, feeling lucky to have them by her side during this time. What she doesn’t know is that Namjoon has spoken to Changwook, who is on his way to see her. Namjoon didn’t mention it to everyone, wanting to keep it a surprise.

As Y/N takes in the warm welcome, she feels a sense of comfort and peace. Being surrounded by those who care about her helps her forget the confusion she’s been feeling lately. Dumbo snuggles closer to her, and she smiles, feeling truly at home.

As everyone gathers on the balcony, Namjoon teasingly says, “Alright, everyone, just so you know, Y/N is not allowed to drink for a while. She has to admit she’s losing points now. Over the years, she’s been unbeatable, a hard drinker, but not today!” He grins mischievously, and Y/N laughs, shaking her head.

She then turns to Jungkook, who is doing a silly champion face and gesture. “You happy now, Kookie?” Y/N says playfully. “You just beat me effortlessly.” Jungkook makes a funny face in response, pretending to show off his victory.

Suga chimes in, “We should do a rematch once you’re fully well, Y/N.”

Y/N nods and smiles. “We surely will,” she says confidently.

As the group continues to have fun, singing and laughing at the karaoke, their parents are enjoying themselves too, chatting with the manager. The atmosphere is light and full of happiness.

Y/N is laughing at one of Jin’s funny dance moves when she suddenly feels a hand on her shoulder. Dumbo immediately jumps to the person behind her, tail wagging with excitement. Y/N turns around and is surprised to see Changwook standing there, smiling widely at her. He smells different, wearing a new scent she’s never smelled before, but it’s really good.

“Hi. How are you doing? Are you feeling better now?” Changwook asks, his voice full of concern.

Y/N stands up quickly and gives Changwook the warmest embrace, one she’s been longing for ever since she woke up in the hospital. “Where have you been? I’ve been looking for you for the past few days,” she says, her voice soft but filled with emotion.

Changwook gently pulls back, still holding her close. “I was out of the country. I’m sorry I wasn’t there when you needed me,” he says, his expression full of regret. “Are you feeling better? I was so worried.”

She, is the 8th (Y/N) - BTS AUWhere stories live. Discover now