4.) The Exhibition Encounter

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The days following the party were filled with a strange mix of excitement and nervousness for Priya. Her college exhibition was just around the corner, and she was eager to showcase her hard work. However, a small part of her couldn't stop thinking about Rohan. She wondered if he had been serious when he mentioned wanting to see the exhibition.


Finally, the day of the exhibition arrived.

The college campus buzzed with activity as students set up their displays, each section reflecting the rich cultural heritage of different Indian states. Priya had been thoroughly preparing her Rajasthan section for weeks, ensuring every detail was perfect-from the vibrant colors of the fabrics to the complex patterns of the handicrafts.

As she put the finishing touches on her display, she felt a familiar sense of satisfaction. This project was close to her heart, and she was proud of the work she had done.

But as the exhibition began, Priya couldn't help but feel a flutter of nerves. Would Rohan actually show up? Or had he just been teasing her?

"Di, your display looks amazing!" Kabir said, bouncing up to her with his usual enthusiasm. "I'm sure everyone will love it!" He chirped as if he examined her inner thoughts.

Priya smiled at her younger brother's encouragement. "Thanks,
Kabir. I just hope it goes well."

"It will," Kabir assured her. "And who knows, maybe Rohan bhaiya will show up."

Priya's cheeks turned pink at the mention of Rohan. "Kabir, stop teasing!"

Before he could respond, a familiar voice interrupted. "Wow, this is impressive."

Priya turned around to see Rohan standing there, dressed casually in jeans and a shirt, yet still managing to look effortlessly handsome. His eyes were scanning the display, genuinely appreciating the work she had put into it.

"Rohan! You actually came!" Priya blurted out, unable to hide her surprise.

"Of course," Rohan replied, his signature teasing grin appearing. "I wouldn't miss it for the world."

Priya tried to suppress the butterflies in her stomach as she led Rohan through her exhibit. She explained the significance of each artifact, the history behind the crafts, and the stories of the artisans who had created them. Rohan listened attentively, his interest clearly visible.

"You're really passionate about this," Rohan said, his tone more serious than usual. "It shows in your work."

Priya felt a warmth spread through her at his words. "I am. Rajasthan's culture is so rich and vibrant; it deserves to be celebrated."

Rohan nodded. "You've done an incredible job. I'm really impressed, Priya."

Just as Priya was about to respond, they were interrupted by one of her college friends, Nisha. "Priya, the dean is coming this way! He wants to see your section next."

Priya's eyes widened. The dean was known for his strict evaluations, and she felt her nerves spike again. "Okay, Nisha. Thanks for the heads-up."

Rohan noticed the slight tension in Priya's expression and leaned in close. "Don't worry. You've got this."

His words were simple, but they had a calming effect on Priya. She nodded, taking a deep breath as the dean approached with a few faculty members.

As Priya began her presentation, she could feel Rohan's presence nearby, watching her with a reassuring smile. She spoke confidently, showcasing the Rajasthan section with pride and enthusiasm. The dean listened intently, occasionally nodding in approval.

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