Shyanne | Truth

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Phoenix was insane.

Let me clarify; Phoenix is insane, and her brilliant plan might just work. I'd just finished packing what I could, but there wasn't much here. When I got back to the main room, Phoenix and Shane were fighting.

"Are you insane?!" Shane was shouting.

"Keep your voice down." Phoenix scolded. "And, yes, I am, but I'm saving your sister." She hissed.

I stepped between them, setting my bag on the floor. "We don't have time for this. Phoenix, I need to get home for a while. There's some things we'll need."

"Like?" Phoenix asked.

"I couldn't find water. Or food, for that matter, other than a sandwich and some chips." I explained.

"We'll need something to eat." Shane agreed.

Phoenix sighed. "Just focus on where you want to go. Be ready to have trouble getting back, though." She warned.

I nodded. "Be back in a couple minutes." I shut my eyes and imagined outside my door. The white building, the blue door, the grey steps, the black railing, the butterfly bushes, the green grass, the golden knocker, the brown welcome mat... Suddenly, I felt a WHOOSH of wind and a flash of light. I opened one eye to see exactly what I'd seen in my mind. My home. I hesitantly opened the door. I paused for a moment, expecting Jael to come up, asking about school and friends.

Then I realized she was gone. I cringed as I walked through the door. I checked the clock. Just as Phoenix had said, she'd made time move forward. It was four o'clock. I didn't want my parents finding me. Sadly, as I walked in, Mom saw me.

"Hello, Shyanne." She smiled sweetly. I noticed a new bruise on her right arm.

"Mom?" I asked, wincing at the sight.

Her smile faltered as she pulled her sleeve down and turned off the water. "I fell and hit my arm on my way down." She laughed. "No big deal."

I knew she was lying.

"Where's Jael?" She asked.

I looked down, hiding the tears welling up in my eyes. "She left." I muttered.

"Oh." Mom said. "We'll hire another maid."

I nodded. "Alright. Uh, could you do me a favor?"

She smiled. "What is it?"

"I'm going on a picnic with a couple new friends. Could you pack me some food and stuff?" I asked.

"Of course, honey." She turned and started packing.

I sighed quietly. This was going well. I started down the hall to my room. So close, so close, and... I bumped into Dad. He dropped the phone. It clattered to the wooden floor with a crack. I gulped as he looked down at me.

"Shyanne..." His voice rose at the end of my name.

I shook my head. "I-I'm so sorry, Daddy. Honestly, I'll-"

He cut me off with a smack to my cheek. My head snapped to the side and I stepped back as the red mark formed. Tears nearly spilled down my cheeks, but I knew that'd just get me hit again.

"Watch it!" He shouted, pushing me into the wall as he stormed past. I looked down and picked up the broken phone. I carried it to my room, setting its pieces on the bed. My mirror's Shyanne stared back at me, and my eyes couldn't help but peer at the mark on my cheek. Nothing makeup couldn't cover. I huffed and set to work.

Mom knocked on my door. "Sweetie?" She asked as she walked in. My makeup was done.

I gulped and smiled as I looked at her. She was holding a basket.

"I packed everything you'd need." She said, holding it out to me. I took it from her, kissed her on the cheek as thanks, and walked out. As soon as I'd walked out the front door, I imagined Phoenix and Shane in the Dream Void. I appeared there the same way I'd gotten home.

Phoenix was sitting on the floor, her back leaned on a desk. Shane was pacing. They both looked at me. "Twenty-three." Phoenix said.

"Ten bucks." Shane replied.

"You made bets on how long I'd be gone?" I asked.

Phoenix nodded. "I said half an hour. He said twenty minutes. Ten bucks."

"Get the stuff?" Shane asked, looking pointedly at the basket in my grasp.

I nodded. "We're ready."

Phoenix stood up, and walked out the door. Shane stayed back and took the basket from me. "After you." He said.

I smiled and followed Phoenix out. Shane walked a pace behind me. "What's her attack plan?" I finally asked, knowing Phoenix was a good amount away.

Shane sighed. "It's not an attack."

I raised an eyebrow. "Not an attack? Then how are we getting Kayla back?"

"It's a trade." Shane muttered.

"A trade? She's going to-" I paused, stopping. "She's giving herself for Kayla." The thought finally hit me. Phoenix had promised to do anything to keep Kayla safe. This was too far, though! "Phoenix!" I called. There was no reply.

"Phoenix?" Shane asked, walking past me. "Phoenix!" He dropped the basket on the ground to run forward. I rushed up to grab our food before starting after Shane. I heard him yelling her name.

I felt someone grab my shoulder, yanking me to a stop. I turned all too slowly. A fist rushed to meet my face, and I fell backwards, out cold.


I was cold. I was freezing cold. I could feel my body shuddering, trying to keep warm as I sat up. Wind was swirling around me. That didn't make sense. Here, I controlled wind. My skin was forming goose bumps. My teeth chattered. I looked around into the darkness. There were metal chains around my ankles and wrists. I could see every breath.

I heard a man's chuckle behind me.

"D-Daddy?" I asked the darkness, not able to see anything through the shadows.

Then I saw him. Dark, slicked back hair, piercing green eyes. A hard jawline that could cut apples. A suit and tie, trying too hard to be fancy. My father.

He was giving me that cruel smile. "You've failed me again. You'll be kicked out of that fancy little school of yours soon enough. You've never made me proud." He spat on the floor in front of me, the way he used to when I was little. "You can't even escape this!" He shouted, spreading his arms to show what he meant. "How petty!"

I tilted my head, gulping back tears. "You don't mean that..." I muttered, looking down to the ground.

"I mean that until you prove me wrong! I'll even give you a time limit. Make me proud, Shyanne." My father smiled as the room turned even colder, the wind picking up. I felt frost forming on my hair.

I was going to freeze to death at the mercy of my own father.


Sorry this chapter was so short, guys. I have a plan in place that kinda calls for shorter chapters for a while. I promise it'll get better.

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