Shyanne | Reunions

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 Jake was terrifying. Though he was so small, I found he was efficient in what he did. Once he'd seen Phoenix and Shane disappear into the castle, he threw his arms out and turned his body to a swarm of leaves. The polychromatic group raced towards the dragon, and parted for my flying arrows that I couldn't remember firing.

At first, I thought the dragon was beating Jake, as red objects kept floating to the grass; they turned out to be scales. Jake was ripping the dragon apart.

I didn't have any longer to watch. The wind's fingers gripped my skin and I let it haul me far higher than our Drakona. I watched as tiny ants of soldiers poured out of the castle. I nocked arrow upon arrow and fired them as fast as my body would allow. I felt the wind bowing at my will, making them fly far faster than normal.

Meanwhile, the Drakona roared and trampled tens of them at a time. Her tail swiped back and forth, taking another twenty out. Finally, she reached the other dragon. Her jaws snapped at him. He blew flames in her face. The Drakona raised her head and coughed on the smoke. Finally, she released another earth-trembling roar. The opposing dragon snapped at her, but suddenly the swarm that was Jake swooped in and covered his nostrils.

I dove down and began to steal the air from around the dragon, but made sure there was enough for Jake and the Drakona. He tried to blow fire at me, but the flames were instantly snuffed.

Jake landed dangerously close to the dragon's claws, and formed entirely. He looked breathless, but raised his arms none the less.

At the same time, the dragon raised its massive paw.

The ground shook and Jake was trapped.

I felt my own voice cry out.

The ground shook one more time. Green and brown mixed around. A mass of roots and leaves shoot up from below the paw. They wrapped and held it down, but gave enough room to let Jake escape. His eyes were glowing bright red. I watched the vines snake up the defenseless dragon, constricting it and swallowing it whole.

The dragon opened his terrifying jaws, but I shot four arrows into his maw. He coughed and sputtered, so the Drakona took the moment to light the vines on fire with one spew of flames. He roared in protest, trying to shake the burning branches off, but the ground started to swallow him, too.

With a shudder, the earth took him in. All that remained was a pile of dirt.

I landed on the ground. The Soldiers all stared down at us. Silence swallowed us as menacingly as the ground had to the dragon. The Drakona broke it with a loud roar.

As I nocked another arrow, I heard droning in the distance. It got louder and louder until the entire field turned black. I heard Jake laugh, followed by a familiar voice shout, "Let's go, ladies! Fan out! Shadows, take up the front lines!"

The thick blackness moved to the farthest Soldiers, revealing a sky full of twinkling wings and small beings.

"Piper!" I shouted joyously.

The dragon fairy gave me a half smile, her brown hair whirling around her face. She shot down to Jake, though, and I watched them talk.

Two of the fairies flew down to me, swirling around my head and tugging on my hair. "Hey, princess," Joie said, smirking.

"How did you guys know to get here?" I asked in amazement, staring at the two fully armored girls in front of me.

"Phoenix blew a flame into the sky to ask for help in Wonderland," Jacki said in her soft tone.

"We helped that giant and that dwarf kick some serious a-" Joie was cut off by her sister.

"Watch your mouth," she said sternly. "Anyways, we came to help here, too. That Night Mare helped us get here."

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