Jake | Follow You

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Kayla was there. We were shackled together, both bloody and bruised, by chains with mouths full of razor teeth. They snapped at us if we walked too slowly or too quickly, or if we moved without her command.

The Nightmare was terrifying, but the power such a tiny human girl resonated was much more so. She wasn't aware of how strong she was. She just trembled and begged for the Nightmare to let us go.

We were being led to our official execution. The Red Queen begrudgingly let the Nightmare use her courtyard for it. I knew she wouldn't kill Kayla, though. The Red Queen would not allow it, and the Nightmare needed a ploy to make Shane come to her. She wanted all the Dreamers.

Roses died as the Nightmare led us forward. A man in a red cloak stood ready with a sword. I shuddered, and Kayla started to cry again. The chains snapped at her sides. Blood trickled down her fragile body.

Suddenly, I heard a very quiet voice. "We're coming. Duck."

I hit the ground so fast, the chains didn't have the time to bite us. Kayla fell from the sudden movement, but she'd be safe. I heard the flapping of wings and the roar of flames. I closed my eyes, and heard the thunder of hooves against the ground between us. The chains shrieked in pain, then let us go.

I opened my eyes, and helped Kayla up. In front of us stood the Night Mare Phoenix had stolen, and on her back sat Phoenix herself. The crown of roses and thorns sat on her head, proud and tall. Her flaming sword sat in her right hand, the other clutching Ashes' mane with white knuckles.

"Nightmare," she said, her voice booming through the courtyard. Soldiers rushed up to attack, but the Red Queen shooed them back. "We're taking back the crown." She raised her sword, and a bright blue flame shot out of the top. It soared high into the sky, shooting up and alerting everyone of her presence.

A great, blank, white giant stomped into the clearing. On his seemingly infinite neck sat a cute little creature with horns. He was laughing.

"Wh-what's going on?" Kayla asked behind me.

I turned, and smiled. Shane was creeping silently towards her. He grabbed her hips and spun her around, picking her up in a hug. At first, Kayla struggled. Then she noticed who it was and started to laugh.

"Shane!" She cried happily. He laughed. He seemed the happiest I'd ever seen him. Finally, he put her down.

"Don't you worry, Kayla," he said confidently. "Stay with Jake, and we'll get you out of here." With that, he disappeared.

The flame was gone. Soldiers closed in on Phoenix, but she simply blasted them away with fire. She was in a focused Dream State, and I could tell. She dismounted Ashes, who immediately started blowing smoke in the eyes of poor soldiers. I wrapped an arm around Kayla, but watched how Phoenix fought.

It was amazing. She dodged arrows, and sparred with ease. The clash of swords was centered almost entirely around her. Just as I was sure she'd be beheaded, Shane appeared with his machete. He sliced down the soldiers that had surrounded her, and blasted the remaining with steaming water.

To the other side, the giant blinded soldiers with some sort of poisoned mist. The tiny creature cast spells, and multitudes of soldiers simply disappeared. It almost seemed like we'd win. But things are never as they seem in Wonderland. The Nightmare stole Kayla from under my arm and ran. Kayla was shrieking.

"Shane!" Her voice rang throughout the courtyard. "Shane!" I knew he wouldn't hear. He was in his Dream State, fighting with the utmost power for a girl that was being pulled away. I tried to follow, but I kept stumbling.

Thank Gods for the giant. He yelled loudly, and everyone paused to listen. "GO!" HE screamed. "The Nightmare has the girl!"

Almost like in slow motion, Shane turned to me. "NO!" He screamed, polychromatic eyes wide and terrified. Ashes whinnied, and galloped to Shane's side. Phoenix swung onto her back, followed by Shane.

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