Shane | Bunny

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I couldn't grasp it all. Shyanne was on the ground crying. Jael was dead on the ground. Phoenix was hugging me, keeping her face buried in my chest. I couldn't be sure, but I think she was crying.

"I-Is she..." I paused, gulping down the lump in my throat. "Is she dead?"

I heard a cold laugh behind me, sending chills down my spine. "Of course, honey." I knew that voice. I let go of Phoenix as we both turned to the sound.

Erza. She was there, dark as ever. Her black hair was held in a tight ponytail, her eyes an inky blue. She was wearing a long, black, hooded cape. She had the hood pull down, though, as if to mock us. How did you not see this, it seemed to say. One thing stood out to me about the cape; its bottom. The bottom of the cape of horrors was torn and tattered, like it'd been set on fire.

Erza held her hand out and the katana that had previously been embedded in Jael's chest appeared in her hands. I almost lost my lunch as she cleaned the blade on the fabric, letting drops of blood fall to the ground.

"You!" Shyanne yelled, standing. Tears dried on her cheeks as the wind ripped through the forest. Shy's bow and arrows appeared in her hands, after they had disappeared from the teleport. I realized my machete was gone, too. Shyanne took aim with her bow. "You killed her." She growled. Wind pulled her hair every which way, even though I felt no wind on myself. It dawned on me then that she was using her powers.

Erza laughed. "No, honey," She disappeared into a shadow and reappeared behind Shyanne, katana to her throat. "You did." She whispered into Shyanne's ear.

"You're not the only one with tricks." Shyanne said darkly. Her eyes turned from their normal green to a swirling of light blue and white. A gust of wind pushed through the woods so hard, I thought maybe the trees would snap. But, no, no trees snapped. Shyanne disappeared from Erza's grasp, and even she looked a bit startled.

Then Shyanne appeared in front of her. "I will kill you, Erza."

"No, you won't. I've come to bear a message." Erza explained plainly.

"How did Shyanne kill Jael?" Phoenix said, stepping forward. Her tears were only streaks down her cheeks now, and she was back to her normal mess-with-me-I-dare-you look.

Erza turned and smiled at her. "Jael died to protect her. Too bad it won't work. You'll all die soon enough by the Nightmare's hand."

"Woah, woah, woah." I said, holding my hand up in a oh-gosh-stop-wait sort of way. "You work for the Nightmare?"

"Who else? My silly kid sister?" Erza rolled her eyes. "Well, there's why you weren't deemed the smart one..."

"Watch your mouth." Phoenix warned, stepping towards Erza. "Or you'll have two of the most powerful people in the Dream Void against you."

Erza raised an eyebrow. "As powerful as you are, Phoenix Lucis, the Nightmare is so much more powerful. Your little group of Dreamers is no match for her." She spat the word "Dreamers" out like spoiled fruit. "Even then, I know when to stand down. My message was to you, Shane. The Nightmare has something of interest to you. Look into the mirror at the Rebellion Base to know exactly what it is." She smiled horribly. "We'll meet again, and it will be the last time." Erza dissipated into a shadow then, and nothing remained.

Shyanne exhaled and dropped to the ground. Phoenix rushed to her side, helping her up as her bow and arrows disappeared into the breeze. It was somewhat odd for me to see Phoenix caring so much for the girl as she held her up, asked her if she was okay, and swore to revenge.

Shyanne started to cry again, and Phoenix pulled her in for a hug. "It's okay..." She promised.

"No..." Shyanne whispered. "It's not... She... She's..."

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