Shane | A Killer Tree

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 I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Shane!" A kindly voice said faintly. I turned to see who was speaking. Phoenix was there, her eyes gentle and caring. "Shane." She repeated, her voice getting louder. She moved close to me, her face beside mine. "Please, wake up. For me."

I felt like I was falling for a moment, before finding myself leaned against a tree. Phoenix had her hands on my shoulders, her face showing no emotion, though her eyes betrayed her, showing great relief. I had hardly smiled when her hand came in contact with my face. "Idiot!" She shouted.

I frowned, rubbing the spot she'd obviously not hit me her hardest at. "Ow... What was that for?"

"Being an idiot, that's what!" Phoenix shouted, standing up. Shyanne hurried over, holding a hand out to me. I took her hand and she pulled me up, though I still used the tree to lean on.

"How was I an idiot?" I asked, staring at the angry, blue haired, kinda-pretty-in-a-scary-way mess.

"You didn't wake up! I was hallucinating thanks to that spell, or whatever it was. I almost killed you!" Phoenix said, waving her hands around in somewhat forced fury.

Shyanne coughed. "I stopped you, thanks." She gave me a wink.

I smiled slightly at Shy. I saw Phoenix's lip curl in half a snarl as she rolled her eyes. Before I could comment on her sassiness, I felt something behind me start to pull me back. I realized in horror that in fact it was the tree pulling me back. I tried to resist, but my attempts of escape were in vain.

"No!" Phoenix yelped, running back to my side. Shyanne looked terrified, wide eyed.

"S-Since when do trees do that?!" I yelled, my body straining away from the quicksand like bark.

"Since when do I light things on fire, Shane?! Think logically for a moment!" Phoenix snapped, her eyes glowing.

As quickly as it had started, the tree spat me back out. I stumbled forward, into Shyanne. She caught me, looking into my eyes.

Phoenix let out a huff. "You two can make out later. We have bigger problems." She paused, staring at the tree, which was convulsing violently. "Let's go. Now. And don't touch any trees."

Shyanne let me go and we followed her orders. I lagged behind Shy, Phoenix behind me. A high pitched shout rang out. At the same time, I tripped over a root, which had horrifically popped up in front of me and reached for my ankle. I was being dragged across the forest floor, Shyanne taking no notice of me.

Phoenix had stopped, and was looking at me. She looked back over her shoulder. She huffed and ran up to me, glancing back every now and then. She grabbed my hand and pulled me toward her with so much force I thought she'd just pull my wrist apart.

"Oh, come on!" She growled, yanking harder. I felt my body starting to dissolve into steam, but it avoided the ankle. The tree was using... magic? I knew I wasn't able to evaporate with the tree's grip on me. "Sh-shane..." Phoenix said, looking down at me. "Shut your eyes and pray anger doesn't fuel flames."

I did as I was told, ignoring her last statement. I heard her summon fire, and her whimper, as the wood pulling me back burned. A sharp pain hit my leg, but simmered down as Phoenix told me I could reopen my eyes.

"I'm sorry, so sorry. I've gotta..." Phoenix stared down at the burn on my leg. "Sorry, hun, but someone else needs help." With that, she stood and darted back to the tree that was writhing in its place.

I sighed and darted after her.

"Shy!" Phoenix boomed over her shoulder. "DON'T STOP!" Phoenix ran to the back of the tree and her eyes went wide.

I quickly realized why.

Like tape, the tree was wrapping itself around a body, that was shifting desperately from leaves to flesh. The boy shrieked and writhed, but the tree was stronger than the scrawny body. Suddenly, it dawned on me who it was.

"Jake!" Phoenix said, her eyes wide. "What are you doing?!"

"Phoenix, I-" I started, but Phoenix hit me hard in the stomach, shutting me up.

"F-fire One!" Jake stuttered out, his words being strangled in his throat.

"Jake..." Phoenix took a deep breath and stepped forward, looking into his eyes. The tree stretched forward as if to grab Phoenix, but it recoiled as if recognizing her bravery. "How do I help?" She asked calmly, acting like our friend wasn't being crushed.

"Y-you can't..." Jake mumbled, straining to keep his head over the growing bark.

"Oh, who are you to tell a Dreamer what she can and cannot do?" Phoenix snapped, forcing a glare over her anxiety.

I reached forward to touch the tree. As I expected, the tree reached towards me, too, and loosened its grip on Jake. "It can only take one at a time." I said quietly, mostly to myself.

If I had known what she was going to do next, I'd have not said anything at all. Without a pause, Phoenix thrust herself into the tree. As soon as the tree felt her touch, it threw a helpless Jake to the ground. He coughed and looked up at Phoenix, jumping to his feet. "No!" He yelled. "Idiot!"

Phoenix let out a muffled shriek combined with a growl. "G-Get out!" She shouted through gritted teeth.

"No! We won't leave you." I said, my mouth suddenly working again. I reached towards the tree, but Jake smacked me away.

"Let me. I'm not a Dreamer." He said, looking up at me. I was about five inches taller than him.

"You're alive, Jake. That means I won't let you die." I retorted stubbornly.

"RUN, you idiots!" Phoenix yelped. Jake and I both turned just in time to see her swallowed up by the tree.

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