Give me everything.

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The next day of school went by slowly. I couldnt think straight at all. Imagines of us together naked had me wanting her now. Just as I was thinking of her she walked into my third period looking good. She came to talk to one of her friends and the whole time she was there I could not focus. Damn, I groaned shaking my head swiftly. She turned her head in my direction and gave me a heated stare that made my heart beat faster. I saw her mouth the word shit and fan herself before standing up and telling her friends she was about to leave. She glanced at me one more time before she walked out the door. As soon as she was out of sight one of her friends came over and sat with me. You like chaise? She asked. Yeah,I said. How much, she said. Soooo much,I said putting emphasis on the so. Ok cool, she said going back to her seat.

When 7th period rolled around I was anxious as hell to get to chaise. There was 5 minutes left of class,and she hadnt texted me since 4th period. I quickly sent her a text message that said I would meet her at her house. And she simply sent back "k". Once the period was over I went to my locker and put all my books in it. When I closed my locker Aaliyah was standing there looking hella pissed. And just like that my whole good attitude changed. So you think you gone talk to my girl anyway ,she said taunting me. I simply smiled and walked away from her. Don't walk away from me ,she said grabbing my arm. I looked at her hand on my arm and she let me go. I gave her a you better had let me go look and proceeded to walk to chaises house.

I got there ten minutes later and she was sitting on her porch with Aaliyah smiling and talking. I guess they didnt see me so they shared a small kiss. Chaise didnt look like she was into the kiss and looked like she wanted to gagg. I walked up to them both and when Chaise saw me her eyes got big as quarters. She quickly pushed Aaliyah off of her and stood up to hug me. But I didnt even notice that because I was glaring at Aaliyah so hard. C'mon, Chaise whispered to me grabbing my arm and pulling me inside. I turned my back to go inside and the next thing you know I felt her punch me in the face. I swear I blacked out because I dont remember anything after that. All I know is Aaliyah was laying on Chaises porch with blood coming gushing out from her eyebrow. I looked back and saw Chaise looking horrified and I knew I had messed up. What did you do? She yelled crouching down beside Aaliyah.

I quickly snapped out of my thoughts and pushed Aaliyah. Youre weak I said. Whatever she said smiling and walking down the steps. Chaise quickly came over and touched my face but I pushed her away. I guess she was hurt because she walked into her house closing the door behind her. I plopped down on her porch steps overwhelmed by all the events that were happening in my life. I dont know how long I stayed on Chaises porch before she came out and joined me but by then I had calmed down. She cautiously sat down next to me and cautiously touched my shoulder. You ok she asked me softly. Yeah im good I said looking at her. She smiled a small smile and asked if I wanted to come in. Sure I said standing up. She grabbed my hand leading me to her room. When we got inside her room we both sat on the bed neither of us talking. After what felt like forever she finally said, why do you like me? Because youre special, fun to be around, and everything I want in a girl I said giving her full eye contact. Whatever ,she said smiling. Im forreal ,I said holding her hands in mines. What do you want me to say she asked? Nothing just give me everything ,I answered. Ill try ,she said slowly. Can I get a kiss, I asked. Yes, she answered pulling me close to her. I leaned in slowly so she can meet me halfway and she did. When our lips connected I swear I could've sworn my whole body shook to the core. I placed my right hand on her thigh and my other hand in her hair. And just when I thought the kiss couldnt get any better she deepened it. The moans that were coming from her throat excited me beyond measure until I felt like I couldnt take it anymore. I pulled away slowly letting my lips linger on hers for a second longer. Damn, she whispered looking at me with lustful eyes. I know, I said tracing my fingers over her lips. I-I think we should take it one day at a time ,Chaise whispered. Sure ,I agreed. In that case its time for you to go ,she said. Really? I said. Yes my mom will be home soon ,she said. Okaaayy, I said pouting. Its okay she said planting soft kisses on my lips which turned into a full out makeout session. But before it got too deep she stopped me and told me I had to go foreall. So she walked me to the door kissed me softly and said goodnight. On my way home I thought about everything and I made a promise to myself that I would never hurt her. No matter what.

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