Chapter 93: Training with Undyne

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''what?! you've met him?!'' Sarah jolted. she had heard of ____________ before, but she had never met him before. Tenzu had told her everything about the encounter last chapter.

''your serious, right?'' Sarah spoke, very worried. ''babe, tell me your alright?''

''i am. i never really fought him, thanks to Hank'' Tenzu said. ''i guess i'm on his good side now''

''yeah, i guess so'' Sarah sighed with relief.  ''still, i noticed that when you swing your katana, it's not really.... fluid. i think you need some training'' 

''i do?'' Tenzu questioned his girlfriend.

''yeah'' Sarah spoke. ''you know, i spoke with your uncle about it''

''which one?'' Tenzu asked.

''Papyrus. i told him you needed help with sword combat. he has a friend he'd like you to meet. she's a policewoman and a fish monster'' Sarah continued.

not very long after, Tenzu was given the current training location, so that he could see this Policewoman who apparently summon spears.

after arriving at a private area nobody had been to before, where there some spears, he quickly turned after hearing the words ''so your the punk?''

''BEEP!'' Tenzu jumped. he then cooled himself once he realized it was just a humanoid fish monster with a black ponytail, and she had a red sleeveless shirt, green pants, and to top it of, she had an eyepatch. she also had pirahna-ish ears. 

''heh, looks like i got a good jump on you. don't worry, happens to even the best. your Tenzu, right?'' the fish spoke. she sounded very tough.

''y-yeah.'' Tenzu stuttered. 

''i'm Undyne. i heard a lot about you from Papyrus'' the fish introduced. 

Undyne then summoned a spear out of seemingly nothing into her hand, then she prepared a battle stance. ''alright. i sometimes come here to keep my skills up. i heard something about a Katana you need to master'' 

''y-yeah. sorry, i'm not really comfortable with new people much. i never knew you were part of the police for the past two years'' Tenzu spoke shyly. 

''yeah that's fine. but you have to be prepared punk, because i'm not backing down. let's try if you can take me on.'' Undyne spoke. ''and i don't have anything else to do right now, so i think we have time. your training begins now''

Tenzu then whipped out his katana. even when he learned to properly wield it, he still felt as if he wasn't able to do it much effectively. 

as if on instinct alone, Undyne charged with a cyan colored magic spear in hand. 

[and yes, this is where Spear of Justice plays]

Tenzu knew he had a hard time training. he blocked the spear with the katana, but it was knocked down.

''first rule of training, always prepare yourself. because you never know when they'll land a good hit onto you'' Undyne spoke. she was dead fucking serious.

Tenzu grabbed his katana, right before Undyne sent a green slash then froze him in place. she sent several spears toward him, which Tenzu used his katana to slice down, but one of the spears had managed to land onto him.

''damnit...'' Tenzu spoke, his arm sore. that wasn't even a hard attack, because he knew Undyne would be holding back, as she has to train him.

''besides, how'd you get the big ass sword?'' Undyne spoke as she spun her spear in place.

''i guess i just... did. right from a promise.'' Tenzu spoke. 

but Undyne knew what the Katana of promises was. Sarah let her know of it's name.

''alright. now for rule number two of training. if you let your guard down, they become less predictable'' Undyne lectured. she then charged, about to land a slash.

but Tenzu blocked it.

''nice one, punk! but let's see if you can keep the pace'' Undyne spoke, impressed with Tenzu learning from her.

she swung her spear several times, and for every attempt to land a hit, Tenzu always blocked it with the Katana. he felt tempted to just use his angel shield, but he decided that this was about his weapon, not his powers.

''alright. one more. then we're gonna push more for next weekend'' Undyne spoke.

Tenzu nodded, ready for the finale to begin. 

[XT The Undying. [Undyne vs Tenzu] length is 4:00]

Tenzu stood, looking at his palms. he had won the training battle.

Undyne then placed her hand on his shoulder, giving a confident smile.

''alright. that does it for today. but i guess you'll still be needing it. i'll see ya soon, punk'' Undyne spoke before she and Tenzu went they're separate ways.

Squidgy had been on the sidelines, inside Tenzu's wristband. he licked Tenzu as they left.

Kai, in the mind, had also witness it, and with one warm smile, he spoke proud words:

''get 'em, little brother.''

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