Good Taste

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The week rolls on and with the blessed help of Aaron ... and okay maybe just his looks, but anyways. I had time to train the three new employees and open the shop longer. Cafe de Charlie is now an open late till midnight hang out. I can see how Helen has this place still alive and to say the least, she has regulars from offices that order more than twice a day. I got excited when i found a girl who used to work in a bakery and she has put the small kitchen to use. The cafe not only smells like coffee and fruits and warmness but cupcakes, cookies, and baked goods. I leave Aaron in charge and take Charlie grocery shopping for the day then i can pack her an overnight bag for Elise's. Grateful she actually wanted to spend time with her sister. I remind Aaron I'll be back for the night shift and he gives Charlie a kiss on the cheek and hands her to me. Charlie is mesmerized by Aaron and is always at his hip. If i can't tend to her needing attention, Aaron is next and she doesn't mind. I swear that little waddling two year old makes me laugh everyday.

The kitchen is stocked with food for a while and Charlie is ready for Elise's. Before i leave, Aunt Helen seems to flip the good day and inform me the landlord is to come by and inspect the place. Thank Helen, you're great. I grab my fitted pencil skirt and a with my white spaghetti strap and let my hair out of the braid, re-braiding the top into a waterfall braid and warn Aaron to have everyone tidy up and rush to Elise's house. She tries to catch up and i tell her to come by the shop later. The radio plays the voice that makes the hair on the back of my neck stand. I turn up the volume and listen to Harry belt out lyrics. Lucky you. I toy with the small braid while i make the drive. This Summer hasn't automatically turned into shit as fast as it usually has. I'm in before the landlord and i earn a few howls and whistles.

"Damn boss, you clean up nice ... Give us a spin Ma'am ... A change from your usual get up." I take a bow and thank the staff and wonder where most of the customers are.

"When i left th-,"

"We have a surprise." Oh no please not today, not now. Jess covers my eyes as Aaron guides me to god knows where. "Ready?"

"As I'll ever be." I'm worried, what if they organized the back different then I'd look like a fool searching, but by the grace of God my eyes light up like that over head of the back area.

"We saw the theme you were going for and extended it." Axle gloats. Customers sit packing the tables we had in storage that are now set out around a band.

"Uh how can we afford all these people?" I whisper to Aaron and he laughs.

"Well we had thought of this a few days ago and put up an ad for entertainment and in return they'd get publicity." I listen to the soft voice of the girl who is clearly younger than me and the band around her age. "Of course we'd audition them before opening and they can play later. The extra staff are volunteer servers who just need recommendation letters for whatever." We head into the house and i wonder what time the landlord is supposed to arrive. I ask the customers how they are liking their order and hand them slips to write any reviews and remind them about the entertainment outside. A woman and child walk in and as she orders i get to child's view and tell her about the area set up for them. The mother smiles and allows me to walk her over. I can feel stares as i have to bend down to hold the little one's hand in heels and a pencil skirt.

I go behind the counter and serve cookies to those who need them and make small talk with them and i forget about the Landlord and enjoy my shift. "Hey is that Harry Potter?" Jess comments and i laugh till i turn around and it's actually Harry Potter, well Daniel Radcliffe that is. I wipe off my hands and step up to the register with a smile.

"Hello, welcome to Cafe de Charlie. What can i get you lovely people?" Paparazzi start to crowd the windows and i take the orders for the group and escort them to the back center. "Make yourself at home." I walk to the back and Aaron is washing cups.

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