Tamaki x reader pt8

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"Tamaki, I want to go out." You held Heito in your arms as you looked at him. He was cooking you something. He would have to pay Aizawa back from the ingredients he was using. "I don't know." He spoke and you frowned. "After we're done eating?" You asked with a smile. "But what if-" "tamaki you'll be there." You cut him off, getting up from the couch and going to his side. "But what if I can't protect you." He looked at you with teary eyes. With one hand you whipped away any that got away.

"Tamaki, I know your a great hero. You'll be there for me." You then kissed his cheeks, then turning into a deep pink. You giggled at him. He was cute indeed and would be the best hero. His face was red as he looked down, where Heito was. Tamaki's hand came up to his little hand. Heito's little hand going around his finger. "See? He loves you and doesn't even really know you." You smiled as he looked back to you. "Your right." His pink cheeks pulled as he hugged both you and Heito.

"Ready to eat?" He spoke every you two could smell it was done. You nodded, then walking to put Heito in the moveable cot. Going to the table were were Tamaki had plated you and him a plate. You both ate until Heito became to cry. You were about to get when tamaki stopped you. "I'm sorry but you should finish. I can deal with him." His ears were red as he got up and went to take care of him.

You smiled as you continued to eat and hear his cries dying down. Then what caught your surprise was Heito giggling. You got up and walked over to where they were. Tamaki had him close to his face. Looking at him, then pulling him close to his face, Heito grabbing at his ears. His ears moving up and down then pulling away, Heito laughing like a little mad man. That was when Tamaki saw you. "Ah! Y/n!" His cheeks went bright pink as he lowered Heito to his chest.

"Y/n! I didn't see you!" He flushed out as Heito looked the way he was to see you, his mama. His hands reaching for you. You walked over and took him from the heated Tamaki. "H-h-h-h-h-he like it." He looked away. You kissed his nose. "It was cute." You smiled as he looked to you through his hair. Heito looked at the two of you before making the kiss noise. "What? You want a kiss to?" You looked down at Heito as he continued to make the noise. You leaned down to kiss his forehead and cooed when you did.

"See? You get some to." You smiled down at him then looked up to tamaki to see a smile on his face. "R-ready?" He looked to you with a smile. "Yea." He took Heito from you as you got ready. This would be the first time you'd left since Heitos' birth. You felt giddy, happy that you would go out into the town. Once you were ready you took Heito so Tamaki could get the bag of his and yours for the day.

As the two of you walked you to the gates, many of the students went to see Heito and talk with you and Tamaki. More of you since he was shy. The two of you walked down the streets talking about things. More of him in school, once you were taken a test to see how much you knew. You had a full high school knowledge. So you really didn't have to go to school like your younger sister.

That brought your mood down as you sat down with Heito in your arms. You had made your way to the park. Tamaki went to get you a snake since you were hungry. You just wished both you and your sister was dealt with different cards. "Y/n." Tamaki sat down next to you with something for you to eat. Your eyes had stars and you swear you had drool coming from your mouth. Tamaki had token him so you could eat.

But of course tamaki was watching everyone, everything. He couldn't let anyone get there hands on you, or Heito. Being in school, and by yourself with him was way different when he was in his "hero" mode. He could swear some one was definitely watching you and Heito. They were playing on there phone and was covered in black. Everywhere the three of you went, they were. That was the main part, and of course there's the "what if" but he has to be ready. "Tamaki, I'm going to throw this away." He looked at you and he nodded.

He watched as you got up and walked to the trash and threw it away. Coming back and sitting down next to him. The two of you talked and just stayed there loving the quiet. Heito had been sleeping so win win. Heito then began to cry, trying to grab onto something. "Tamaki, I'm going to need to take him." You spoke going to take him. "Hm, why?" He asked. You kinda giggled on the inside, if he knew Heito was hungry then he would die.

"His hungry." You giggled, and tamaki's face grew red. He knew what that meant! Heito was three mouths and that meant. "D-d-do y-y-you w-want t-the b-blanket?" He asked. You were starting to get worried, was he going to explode? "Yes please, and I'm going to do it in the bathroom. I feel weird doing it out here." Tamaki let you take Heito and walk over to the bathroom. He had token out the blanket, and walked over to the bathroom.

That was when he saw the same hooded man walk behind you. Tamaki had to do something before it was too late.

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