Chapter 17

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"Charlie, why are you smiling so much?"

Charlotte looked up from her book, her face falling.

"It's a cute moment in the book," Charlotte lied. It was a romance book, and she kept imagining herself and Johnny as the characters.

"You've been smiling like that all week," Soda noted from his bed, throwing a ball up and down. He was watching her out of the corner of his eye, glad that she wasn't as upset as she had been.

"I've just been in a good mood," Charlotte shrugged, hiding her face in her book.

Johnny had officially asked her to go steady a week before but they decided to keep it a secret for a while, not knowing how the guys would react. They decided to take things slow and see where it went before telling anyone, including Ponyboy. They started talking to each other with the gang more, everyone just assuming that they were friends again after she was attacked. Every night after school and track practice, Charlotte would go to the lot with him, claiming that she couldn't focus on her work with all the noise. In reality, they would do homework for maybe thirty minutes and then talk or make out for the rest of the time.

"I'm glad," Soda said honestly, smiling at her. "I haven't seen you this happy in a long time. I was scared...for a while I was scared I would never see you like this again."

"Aww, Soda, were you worried about me?" Charlotte teased, moving to his bed and laying by his side. He started tickling her, grinning at her squeals and laughter.

"I'm allowed to be worried about my baby sister," Soda replied, stopping and wrapping his arms around her instead.

"I'm not a baby anymore, Soda," Charlotte sighed, poking his side.

"You'll always be my baby," Soda teased. Charlotte groaned and slid out of his arms, falling on the floor with a grumpy look on her face.

"I'll be an adult in three years and you're only two years older than me," Charlotte reminded him. Soda put his fingers in his ears and started singing. Charlotte rolled her eyes and left the room, Two-Bit sitting in the living room to watch Mickey Mouse. Katy was with him because his mom was sick so Two-Bit was staying in Soda's room with her so their mom could rest.

"Hey, Katy," Charlotte greeted with a smile. The three year old gasped and ran to Charlotte, the older girl picking her up. As the only girl in the group, Katy loved Charlotte and would always stick by her side when they were together.

"I'm here too, y'know?" Two-Bit joked.

"You're a freeloader who is always on my couch," Charlotte responded, sitting down next to him with Katy on her lap.

"You guys get paid with entertainment," Two-Bit shrugged.

"I'm not entertained enough for you to drink all my beers," Soda said, coming into the room and sitting next to Charlotte. He tickled Katy's foot, grinning when she squealed.

"You'd make a good dad one day, Soda," Two-Bit noted. Soda's grin fell and he cleared his throat.

"You think Sandy is alright?"

"Soda, man, don't worry about her," Two-Bit said seriously. Katy trotted off to play with her toys, the sound of her laughter making Soda smile a bit.

"I think about her a lot still," Soda admitted. "I hope Florida is treating her well."

"What if you tried another letter," Charlotte suggested.

"Nah, I'm trying to move past her," Soda sighed, leaning back. He threw his arm over Charlotte's shoulder and tried to watch the TV, but he couldn't pay attention. "Don't ever fall in love, Charlie. You only end up hurt."

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