One: Home Again, Home Again

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The sky was painted by the most gorgeous sunset, a mural of oranges, pinks, and yellows that blended with the rolling hills and plains as I cross the state line into Oklahoma. The familiar landscape unfolds before me. Golden wheat fields and rolling prairies that stirs up a jumble of emotions I've been trying to keep at bay.

"You good, sis?" Jase's voice cuts through my reverie. He's slouched in the passenger seat, his laptop balanced precariously on his knees.

I nod, offering a small smile. "Yeah, just... taking it all in."

Truth is, I'm not sure if I'm good. This impromptu trip back to Oklahoma was supposed to be about checking on Lainey, but deep down, I know there's more to it. There's a text message burning a hole in my pocket, and a name that's been echoing in my mind for weeks: Boone.

The radio crackles, and I absently fiddle with the dial, trying to find a clear station. A country song comes through, all twangy guitars and lyrics about lost love. How fitting.

"You know," Jase pipes up, "we could've just video called Lainey. No need for this whole road trip shenanigan."

I roll my eyes. "Some things are better done in person, Jase. You'd know that if you ever left your computer cave."

He snorts, but doesn't argue. We both know there's truth to my words, even if I'm not being entirely honest about my reasons for coming back.

As we drive, my mind wanders back to the last time I saw Boone. It was a year ago, at Tyler and Lainey's wedding. We'd danced and laughed, and for a moment, it felt like old times. But then reality set in, and we went our separate ways again. Me to Arkansas, him staying put in Oklahoma.

The thing is, joking SkyWatch after college was supposed to be my fresh start. A chance to figure out who I am without the expectations of being a rodeo legacy. But no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't shake the feeling that I'd left something important behind.

My phone buzzes, and I glance at it quickly. It's Lainey: "Can't wait to see you! Tyler's firing up the grill."

I smile, genuinely excited to see my best friend. But there's an undercurrent of nervous energy that has nothing to do with Lainey and everything to do with the possibility of seeing Boone again.

As we near our destination, I can't help but think back to when Boone and I first met. It was at a rodeo, of course. Where else?

I was seventeen, prepping for my trick riding exhibition. The summer heat was oppressive, the air thick with dust and the smell of livestock. I remember adjusting my hat, running through my routine in my head one last time.

That's when I first saw him. Boone was leaning against the fence, all lanky limbs and messy hair, watching me with a mix of curiosity and admiration. I pretended not to notice, focusing on my horse instead.

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