Four: Things I Never Would've Guessed

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I stood at the base of Mount Scott, my eyes fixed on Boone's lithe figure as he climbed higher up the rocky face. The sun beat down on us, and I had to squint harder to even get a look at him. I couldn't help but shake my head in disbelief.

"I had no idea he was into rock climbing," I muttered, more to myself than anyone else.

Lainey, standing next to me with her hand shielding her eyes from the sun, snorted. "Oh honey, that boy's into anything that might get him killed."

Tyler chuckled, his arm draped casually around Lainey's shoulders. "Ain't that the truth. Remember that time he tried to lasso a tornado?"

I turned to him, eyebrows raised. "He did what now?"

"It's a long story," Lainey said, waving her hand dismissively. "Let's just say it involved a lot of rope, a pickup truck, and more stupidity than I thought was possible in one human being."

I couldn't help but laugh, even as my stomach twisted with worry. My eyes drifted back to Boone, who was now a good thirty feet up the rock face, from my guess. His movements were smooth and confident, each reach and foothold placement deliberate. It was mesmerizing to watch, but also terrifying.

"Eddy Boone Higgins!" Lainey suddenly yelled, her voice echoing off the rocks. "You better be careful up there, you hear me? The things I'll do to you if you fall, I swear to God!"

I found myself nodding in agreement, my own worry bubbling up and spilling out before I could stop it. "Yeah! Don't you dare hurt yourself!"

He paused in his climb, looking down at us with that cocky grin of his. Even from this distance, I could see the mischievous glint in his eyes. "Aw, y'all worry too much! I'm fine as frog hair up here!"

Tyler shook his head, a mix of admiration and exasperation on his face. "That boy's gonna be the death of me one of these days."

"You're one to talk," Lainey retorted, giving her husband a playful swat on the arm. "Or do I need to remind you about the time you tried to drive into an EF3?"

Tyler had the grace to look sheepish. "That was different. It was for science."

"It was for YouTube views, and you know it," Lainey countered, but there was no real heat in her words. The fondness in her voice was clear as day. My gaze drifted back to Boone, who had resumed his climb.

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