Two: Coffee Shop Stop

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I'm a mess. An actual, glowing mess. Clothes are strewn across the bed, and colorfully they remind me harshly of my indecision.

"Lou, it's just coffee," Lainey says, perched on the edge of the bed, watching me with a mix of amusement and concern. "You're overthinking this."

I pause, a blue blouse dangling from my hand. "It's not just coffee, Lain. It's coffee with Boone."

She rolls her eyes, but there's a softness in her expression. "Okay, fine. It's coffee with Boone. But it's still not a date, right? Isn't that what you've been insisting for the past hour?"

I toss the blouse onto the growing pile and flop down next to her, groaning. "It's not a date. It's... I don't know what it is. A 'catch up with an old friend who was a bit more than that, and pray that what he wants to talk about is something good' kind of thing."

Lainey snorts. "Catchy. I'm sure Hallmark will be all over that for their next coffeeshop movie."

I swat at her arm, but can't help the laugh that escapes me. Trust Lainey to cut through my drama with her dry humor.

"Seriously, though," she continues, her tone gentler now. "You need to calm down. This is Boone we're talking about. The same guy who once ate a grasshopper on a dare just to make you laugh. He's not expecting you to show up in a ball gown."

The memory of that day flashes through my mind - Boone's exaggerated grimace as he chewed, the way his eyes lit up when I burst into laughter. It was always so easy with him, wasn't it? When did things get so complicated?

I take a deep breath, trying to center myself. "You're right. I know you're right. I just... I want this to go well, you know?"

Lainey nods, understanding in her eyes. "I know. But it will. Just be yourself, Lou. That's who Boone wants to see anyway."

With renewed determination, I stand up and survey the clothing carnage. "Okay, let's do this. Help me find something that says 'I'm a confident, successful woman who definitely hasn't been agonizing over this meeting for days'."

Lainey laughs, getting up to join me in the search. "How about this?" she says, holding up a soft, blue sweater. "It brings out your eyes, and it's comfortable. Perfect for a casual coffee meetup."

I nod, grabbing a pair of jeans to go with it. "You're a lifesaver, Lain. What would I do without you?"

"Probably show up lookin' like a wreck," she teases.

As I change, I can hear the faint sound of laughter from outside. Curiosity piqued, I peek out the window to see Tyler and Jase in the backyard. Tyler's gesturing animatedly, probably recounting one of his storm-chasing adventures, while Jase listens with rapt attention.

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