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Several seasons passed, and the year changed twice. Abel's daily life remained the same, but recently, his master had a problem. The master fell ill with an unknown fever for a few days, and strangely, he stopped talking and often stared blankly into space.

That day, Abel went to the city and returned in just one day. He held a handful of his master's medicine, bought with the money from selling dried herbs and mushrooms. But from where he lived with the master, the sound of a horse could be heard. It was a voice filled with someone's worries.

"Well, if there is someone who will listen, then Duke Truyde, who is my superior, is somewhat decent. He has recently inherited his title, so he has the power and flexibility to resolve situations. So, if there is a chance, he might be able to listen, but sigh, anyone would find such a claim absurd."

The owner of the voice was Melmond, an attendant who had only one master. After his master fell ill, he had sent a letter asking him to contact him, but he didn't expect Melmond to come so quickly. Like his master, he had received training to become a Regas after joining this faction. However, unlike his master, he had entered the palace early and was working as part of the king's Regas-appointed staff.

The job of the staff was simply to dust off the old books in the neglected palace library that no one else wanted to find. According to one faction, it was said that he was able to be hired because it was impossible for one faction to fill all the staff positions. According to his master, he had applied for this job because he originally wanted a stable occupation. It was a sinister purpose to find a shortcut since it was difficult to enter the King's Heart.

Perhaps because of that, while others would leave in a few days with wounded pride, he had been doing this for 15 years. That's why the master would occasionally get angry, saying that he had entered the palace without proper training.

Since he entered the palace, there had been little contact with his master, and Abel only saw him once or twice a year. However, perhaps because they had once spent time together, he would always grumble but often send news about what his master wanted to know through letters.

"The Regas has been with the prince for a year now. Usually, a Regas starts assisting the crown prince in learning about state affairs when they are around 10 years old, so it's definitely early. Everyone hushes, but it seems like there's a problem with the prince. According to rumors..."

As if whispering a secret, the voice became quieter and nothing was heard after that. Melmond was an attendant, but unlike the master who was already 50 years old, he was still in his mid-30s. Sometimes his master would say that he seemed more like a son than an attendant. Hearing the muffled voice of his master, Wiedel, Abel wondered if he should go in or not.

"Pathetic fools! What's so devilish about it! So what if he has the eyes of a snake or something?! He was born with the mark of a dragon, so we should be happy!"

"But he didn't inherit any abilities."

"How do you know?! Abilities can manifest later!"

"But I've never heard of such an experience."

"There has never been a time when the mark of a dragon has appeared on the body."

"Sigh, why is everyone so ignorant? The prince may be the one who can rebuild the crumbling power of the royal family! Surely, his abilities will soon... cough, cough! Ahem, cough."

When the sound of his master's coughing became severe, Abel opened the door without hesitation and rushed in.


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