Chapter 1 ~ Monday Morning

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You were awoken by the shrill buzzing of your alarm clock. It read 9:00 A.M. You rolled over to the other side of your bed, only to have your covers roll with you, surrounding you like a tube. You continued pushing to the other side of the bed, and you plummeted on to the hardwood floor. You groaned and slid yourself out of the blankets. Pushing back your messy hair, you yawned loudly and went to your closet for some fresh clothes. You slowly opened the closet door, and your eyes widened as a mountain of clothing tumbled on top of you. You grimaced as you pulled yourself out of the mass of clothes. You began looking through the pile for something to wear. "Hmm...." you thought to yourself. You continued fishing through the sea of clothing, unsatisfied by the garments you saw. You finally landed on something you wanted. You smiled. It was your Iron Maiden t-shirt with your old leather jacket, along with your favourite pair of jean shorts. You threw the clothes on, tossing your pj's into the hamper on the other side of the room. You then tied your hair into a messy top knot and got some breakfast. As you ate your chocolate-chip pancakes, your annoying 7 year-old sister stomped into the room. "HI, Y,N!!!" she practically yelled from the other side of the room. You groaned. "Britney, you need to be quiet!" you whispered. "Mom and dad are still sleeping!" She did shut up, but then proceeded to grabbing your syrupy pancake that you were currently eating off your plate. You squeaked in annoyance and got up from your chair. "Give that back!" She stuck her tongue out playfully and put the pancake on her head. "Make me." You walked over to your sister and tried to take it off her head, but she bounced backwards and took the pancake off her head. You rolled your eyes. "Fine," you mumbled in defeat; but your sister wasn't done yet. Suddenly, you felt the wet, slimy pancake hit your back, hard. It slid down on to the floor. "Great," you thought to yourself. "She had to ruin my jacket." Britney bounded off to another room, leaving you alone, finally. You walked to the bathroom on the main floor and tried your best to wipe the syrup off. You then walked to the upstairs bathroom and brushed your teeth. You then put on some mascara and went back to your room. You lay on your bed, arms and legs sprawled out, and drowned yourself in your thoughts. "Please God," you thought. "Please let something good happen to me today."

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