Chapter 7 ~ Meeting The Band

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The security guard had led you and your friend in front of the band's door of their dressing room. Your emotions at that moment were a mess. You didn't know exactly if you were excited to meet them because you were supposed to be a groupie. You felt immense anxiety, fear and nausea flow throughout your body and you felt like you were just about to collapse. You felt someone nudge your back. Your head darted around to face the security guard.
"C'mon," he said. "They'll become cranky if you stall any longer." You felt your body begin to perspire as you looked at Emily. She was gleaming with confidence. She faced the guard. "Okay," she said to him. "Let's go in, Y'N." He opened the door with his lock and held the door for you. You thanked him as you walked in. You heard the door click shut as you shuddered. Emily stopped and turned to you.
"You ready?" she asked.
"I guess..-" she cut you off and put her hands on your shoulders and stared at you sternly.
"Listen. You will be fine. Our plan worked, we got into the show, and now we need to do what we have to. Just relax and you'll be okay." You had no idea how she wasn't as nervous as you. You took a deep breath and tried to relax your nerves. "Y'N, I'm gonna take Kirk if that's okay with you! He's so hot..." she smiled and gazed upwards.
"Oh, uh, okay.. that's cool." She grabbed your hand and you both walked down the short hall. You looked down at the ground and saw empty pizza boxes with old-ass moldy pizza still in them, paired with crushed beer cans and dirty underwear. It was gross, but you didn't really mind. You were about to meet your favourite band up close and personal! As you and Emily turned the corner, she faced you one last time. "Y'N, we need to look sexy. Pull down the top of your shirt like this." She pulled down the collar of her dress and pushed out her chest. You stared at the ground awkwardly. "Um.. I don't really want to. I'm just gonna go in like this and see if any of them will like me for how I look now." She shrugged. "Suit yourself. Now let's go, man!" She pushed her blonde ringlets behind her shoulders and pouted slightly and walked around the corner with you. You stayed slightly behind her back, filled with nerves. You saw Cliff sitting on a chair cozily with his bass in his lap. The two of you walked in a bit further and saw Kirk and Lars sitting together on one couch and James on another. Your heart practically skipped a beat. They were like 5 feet away from you. Oh boy... they were so sweaty.. so hot...-
Your nervous thoughts were interrupted by the voice of none other than Lars. "Hey, girls!" You were so damn nervous. Emily didn't seem bothered by anxiety at all. You were envious of her level of confidence. She walked into the room, your hand squeezing hers as you still trailed closely behind her. "Hi," she said. "I'm Emily. This here is my friend, Y'N." Kirk smiled at the both of you. "Do you guys want something to drink? I'm getting some beer." Emily sat in his spot next to Lars on the couch. "Sure, I'll get a beer."
"Gotcha. What about you, Y'N? Do you want anything?" You looked up at him, still frozen in the spot you were in where you and Emily walked in to greet them. "Oh! Uh, no thanks, I'm okay for now." He nodded and went to the fridge. Cliff put his bass on the ground and slouched back in his chair. "So," he said. "How did you guys enjoy the show?" You looked over across the room at Emily, who had managed to right away be making out with the little Dane on the couch. You thought she wanted Kirk, but you guess she was attracted to Lars, too. You faced Cliff and your body became filled with intense nerves again. "The show was amazing. It was the best show of my life. Thank you-" You were interrupted by Kirk, who had returned from the kitchen with the bottles of Heineken. He passed a bottle to all of you except yourself and then turned to the sloppy mess that was your best friend and Metallica's drummer. "Wow, okay," Kirk said witha chuckle. "I leave for 30 seconds and my spot is taken AND you're already all over eachother. Emily slid off of Lars and laughed. Her face was gushing with heat. You didn't understand how she got with guys this easily. You were still frozen in your spot, standing up. You hadn't even had your first kiss yet. You were all of a sudden feeling even more insecure. You didn't think any of them would ever want to be near you. You tried to clear away your negative thoughts and decided to look at James as Kirk sat next to him. Your face flushed as you noticed him looking at your eyes. You looked down quickly.
"Y'N, do you want to sit down or something?" It was Kirk again.
"Uh, sure." You finally broke free of your awkward placement in the room and decided to sit next to James, since you had a gigantic crush on him. He turned to you and smiled. He brought his arm around you and you blushed.
Half an hour had passed. You and the guys had been talking about music and your favourite bands. Emily had finally gotten off of Lars. I guess she was tired of the Dane already - at least, for now. You wouldn't be surprised if she hooked up with him later; she was just so chill with this groupie thing. At this point, 2 more girls, who looked a few years older than you and Emily, had entered the room and settled with Cliff and Lars. Emily moved next to Kirk after she was done with Lars. One of them had wavy brown hair and brown eyes. She was sitting on Cliff's lap. She was really pretty. You were almost positive she was his girlfriend. The other girl was another groupie. She had bleach blonde hair and pale hazel eyes. She was sitting with Lars. Everyone in the room had finished a few beers and was drunk already. You were the only one there who wasn't drunk. James, who was still next to you, had you sitting with your head snuggled into his chest. You were very tired. It was currently 1:34 A.M. Cliff and the brown haired girl he was with left into a room as well as the blonde groupie and Lars in another room. Emily at this point was flat-out wasted with Kirk. She was laughing and snorting all over the place. They clumsily got up and began maneuvering themselves toward a room. Emily blurted out another loud laugh and turned towards you. "Have fun with James, you thottie!!" They stumbled into a room and slammed the door. You were so embarrassed. Em just called you a thot in front of the guy you really liked of Metallica. How awkward. He pushed you up out of your comfortable position.
"Hey, Y'N, do you want to go to a room as well?" You flushed with a mixture of excitement and nervousness.
"Yeah, uh, sure." He stood up and you took his hand. It was weird. He had drank just as much as the others and wasn't acting crazy at all. He seemed as tired as you were. You suddenly felt a bit more comfortable to be around him and not as anxious. The two of you walked to the room and he shut the door. You sat down at the end of the bed and he sat next to you. He looked into your eyes and you looked back. You were lost in his beautiful, sparkly blue eyes. He put his hand on your jawline and kissed you. Fireworks went off in your head. You just had your first kiss! Even better, it was with James fucking Hetfield!! He brought on more passion in his kiss. His lips were soft but demanding. You decided to break the kiss.
"Hey, uh, I'm actually exhausted... I'm sorry.." you looked down at the floor. "I know you wanted to like, get some with a girl tonight... I'm so sorry..." He put his arm on your back softly.
"Hey, I understand. I'm actually pretty tired myself. There's no need to be sorry; let's go to sleep." You didn't feel much better by his reply because you knew he felt a bit disappointed that he wasn't gonna do it with you. You layed down in the bed and pulled the sheet over you. He pulled off his shirt and pants, revealing only his boxers and turned off the light. He walked to the other side of the bed and gave you a quick kiss on the cheek. He layed down and pulled the blanket over himself.
"Goodnight, Y'N."
Hey guys! I'm so happy I finally updated this again! I hope you enjoyed this chapter; I'll post the next one soon :^))
- Sarah

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2016 ⏰

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