Chapter 5 ~ Getting Ready

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Hey guys! Sorry I haven't been able to update this for you guys! I've been quite busy lately. I'll try to add a couple chapters to this every now and again:)


It was Friday night. You were waiting for Emily in your house so the two of you could get ready together. Britney was out with one of her friends at a sleepover so she couldn't bother you and Emily.Your parents were out again at some bar. Hell, they didn't even know about your plan. You popped 'Ride The Lightning' into the record player so you could get pumped. The melodic guitars were almost done playing through on 'Fight Fire With Fire' when you heard the doorbell ring. You rushed downstairs to the main floor and opened the door for Emily.

"Hey," she said with excitement in her voice.

"You excited or what?!" you replied.

"Yeah, of course! Lets just hope our plan works."

"Oh, it will, don't worry. I've got 'Ride The Lightning' spinning already so we can get even more excited! Come on, let's go get ready!"

You ran upstairs with Emily and shut your bedroom door. Emily took out her curling iron and makeup and placed it on your vanity. You took out your stuff too. She plugged in her curling iron while you began your makeup.

"This is going to be so cool," you said.

"It's going to be the best night of my life," Emily replied. "Hey, what are you going to wear? I've got my outfit in my bag."

"I'm gonna wear my 'Kill 'Em All' shirt with my leather jacket and skinny jeans," you replied. "Lets see your outfit!" Emily pulled the clothes out of her bag.

"This is what I'm wearing," she said, taking the clothes off the hanger. It was a tiny sparkly black dress with spaghetti straps, paired with fishnet stockings and a jean jacket.

"Ooh nice," you said, admiring her outfit. "Are you planning on picking up a cute boy while we're there?" She laughed.


You finished off your makeup look which was a shimmery brown smokey eye and red lips. Emily finished off her last curl and handed you the curler.

"Your turn- hey, nice makeup! I'll bet James will notice you, looking like that."

"Thanks," you replied with a laugh.

You looked at her dirty blonde curls. "Your hair looks great, Em!"

"Thanks a bunch!" she said. You continued working on your hair and Emily did her makeup as the two of you talked about Metallica nonstop. When you were both finished, you gazed at eachother's finished looks in the mirror. Your hair was curled in loose waves. Emily's makeup look was a dark smokey eye with glossy nude lips.

"We look hot," Emily said.

"Definately," you replied.

"I'm going to get changed in the bathroom," she said, walking off with her outfit.

"Sure," you said. While Emily got changed, you slipped into your outfit, being cautious about your hair and makeup. Emily met you back in your room.

"Now we look perfect for the concert!" she exclaimed.

"Yeah!" you replied. "Lets go to the bus station!"


You sat at the back of the bus with Emily, unable to control your excitement. She was just as jumpy as you. You began driving through downtown. The arena was only 5 minutes away! You passed the record store where you heard the radio announcement. You wished you didn't have to sneak in. It would've been nice having actual tickets, but of course your sister had to ruin that...

You gazed out the window where you saw the arena just up ahead. You put your hand on Emily's and you both squealed. There was a big sign that read 'OZZY 2NITE -- OPENING ACT METALLICA' in big black letters. You arrived at your stop and got off with your friend. You both ran along the sidewalk to the arena. There was a gigantic swarm of people crowding around the entrance. You pushed through to the big doors, which were blocked by burly security guards. You tried to sneak past them but one of them pushed you back.

"Ticket," he said sternly.

Emily looked at you, panicking. You looked at her with reassurance and faced the security guard.

"Well, we tried to win tickets on the radio but my sister spoiled our chances and so-" The man stopped you mid-sentence.

"No ticket, no entry."

"But-" Emily pestered, being interrupted as well.

"No ticket, no entry, now get outta here!" the security guard said, pushing you and Emily back into the wave of people. You had an idea.

"Wait!" you grabbed Emily's arm and pushed forward to the security guard once more. Emily looked at you with a look of confusion on her face. The guard looked at you, becoming incredibly annoyed.

"What did I just say!? No ticket, n-"

"We're groupies!"

Emily's eyes widened and she nudged you. You stared at the security guard with fake sincerity, paying no attention to your friend.

The man looked away then back at you and Emily. "Well, alright then. Go right ahead." He cleared space for the two of you to enter the building. You grabbed Emily's arm and ran into the building. She stopped you suddenly.

"Groupies, Y'N!? What are we going to do when we're sent to the guys.... to 'yknow... I'm not ready for that at all!!!"

"Don't worry, Em! Here's what we're going to do. When the show's over, we avoid every single person in sight and just get the fuck out of here! Everything will work out fine!" She looked down at her feet. "Well, okay.."

You smiled. "Now, let's have the best night of our lives!"

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