Chapter 4 ~ Final Desisions

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You and Emily hung out again on Wednesday afternoon; you hadn't talked to her about the concert on the phone or anything ever since the incident with Britney. The two of you walked through the park, the warm sun rays shining down on you. As you were walking, Emily turned to you.

"Hey, have you had any ideas about the concert situation?"

Your eyes widened. "Oh yeah, that. Um.. well, I put some thought into this, and...-"


"Since the concert is on Friday and all the tickets are already sold out, and the tickets that radio station were giving away are already gone,-"

Emily was growing impatient. "Get on with it!"

"I THINK WE SHOULD SNEAK IN!!" you yelled.

Emily's lip curled into a mischievous grin. "Well, it's our only option now, and it just might damn work."

You smiled. "Well, now that we know how we're getting in, what the hell are we going to wear?"

Emily laughed. "Psshhh, I don't know! How about this. On Friday, you can come to my house so we can get ready together!"

"Sounds good! It's good that I'm coming to your house, so stupid Britney can't bother us."

Emily laughed. The two of you began the short walk home. You were so excited for Friday, you couldn't wait!

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