Chapter 6 ~ The Concert

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You ran into the crowd, clutching onto your friend so you wouldn't lose each other in the gigantic group of people. You wanted to be exactly at the front row, so you needed to push through a lot of people. You made your way to the floor seats and turned to Emily.

"We need to get to the front," you said loudly. The crowd was incredibly loud. You could understand why. Metallica were going to be on that stage in about 30 minutes. You grabbed your friend's arm again and rammed through a colossal of people. You finally made it to the front row! You almost got squished, pushing through all those people. You let go of Emily's arm and threw your arms over the barrier. She rested hers on top of it.

"I can't believe we finally made it!" she yelled over the crowd.

"Me neither!" you yelled back.

You both faced the stage. Ozzy Osbourne was the headliner for the show, and Metallica was the opening act. It was going to be amazing seeing Ozzy, but you were honestly more excited to see Metallica. The gigantic cross stage props were moved to each side of the stage. You looked at Emily with excitement. Lars's drum set was set up on the riser. A few guitars and basses were placed on stands on opposite sides of the stage. A few microphones were placed at the front. You couldn't believe Metallica were going to be on that stage in just moments. Suddenly, all of the arena lights went out. The crowd went wild. You screamed at the top of your lungs when the guys ran onto the stage and began their first song, 'Creeping Death'. You were about to shit yourself. Metallica were standing just a few feet in front of you. Metallica in the flesh. This wasn't like the records at all. This was a million times better. You sang along with the music and banged your head like there was no tomorrow. You saw Lars pummeling the shit out of his drums in the back. Kirk Hammett was just beginning his fierce solo at the right side of the stage. He looked so into it. Cliff Burton was banging his head like crazy while he played his bass. It was like watching a god. James Hetfield was playing his white Explorer guitar in the middle of the stage while he banged his head real fast. He was right in front of you. You reached over and touched his leg. You withdrew your hand and screamed at it. You just fucking touched James Hetfield. You couldn't believe it. When they were finished the song, James took the mic in his hand.

"How's everyone doing tonight?!" he boomed into the microphone. The crowd went wild. "See if you know this one." They started into a song which you immediately recognised. It was their cover of 'Am I Evil?', originally by Diamond Head. You sang and banged your head like crazy with your best friend.


It was finally the moment you were dreading. Metallica were almost finished their last song. It was none other than 'Seek and Destroy'. You danced along with the music, not ready for the show to be over. They were absolutely amazing. Sadly the song finally ended.

"Thank you, Los Angeles!!" James yelled into the microphone. "You were a great crowd! We love you, goodnight!!" The crowd screamed. You were so sad that it was over, but they were just so good. At least you had Ozzy to look forward to as well. Suddenly, you felt someone grab your arm. You whipped around and faced the same burly security guard from the entrance to the arena. You saw one with Emily as well.

"The guys will be waiting for you in the dressing room. Come on," he said loudly over the crowd. You tried to run away through the crowd grabbing your friend's arm, but the guard stopped you.

"What's wrong? You two are groupies, right?" he said.

You sighed. "Well, yeah-" he cut you off. "Then lets go, ladies." the two guards led you through a hall. You looked at Emily, who all of a sudden had no issues with the situation. You were confused. You were sent into a room labelled 'METALLICA' and the guards left. You were surrounded by 2 other girls who looked at you and Emily with disgust. You gave them a look, then faced Emily.

"How come you suddenly have no problem with this? I thought you didn't want to be a groupie."

"Yeah, well, now that I've seen them live 'n stuff, and saw how attractive they are in the flesh, I wouldn't mind meeting them, if you know what I mean."

"Um, ok, well I don't want to be a groupie! I don't know what to do now!" She looked at you with sympathy.

"Well I wouldn't worry."


You were stuck now. You had no idea what you were going to do.

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