6. R&A industries

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After leaving from there, Noor and Ariya reach their destination. a office, On top of it, R and A Industries was written in big letters in a very stylish manner.

Noor and Ariya just keep looking at the building.

The 75 floor building was R and A Industries which is Asia's No.1 company. Its branches are spread almost everywhere. They have a reputation in outer countries also. No one has ever seen the owner of this company till date except whose people who meet him personally, they have just heard about him that he is a ruthless and cold hearted person. He does not like to come in front of the world. He never lets his identity be revealed.

And if anyone even think of try to, then they is not seen by anyone the next time. There are many more such rumours about him, whether they are true or wrong, only god or he knows.

dangerous right no, compare like other company's boss's, mr R is kindest he like to help people who in need.

Noor only came here because everyone knew mr R will help them if he feels like you need help, Noor had a hope that mr R will help her

Then Noor and Ariya go inside of office, Ariya stay in hall while Noor goes to reception and asks the receptionist "hii"

Receptionist who was working on computer looks at Noor and said "hello ma'am! Good morning! how can I help you?" 

Noor said "aa I have an appointment here today, with Mr. R"  "ok ma'am let me check, Can you tell me what's your name ?" 

"ya Sure! Noor Malhan " "ok ma'am please wait a minute"

Some minutes later...............

Receptionist said "yes ma'am you have an appointment. But boss is busy right now in a meeting. Can you please wait there in the lobby. Whenever boss will free I'll call you." " ya Sure ! " Then Noor said then she and Ariya from there to the lobby and sits on a sofa then start talking about the accident happened earlier with that car

Ariya said "What have you done Noor?" "Me?...what did i do?" Noor asks in surprise. "Don't act so innocent, you fooled them. If we get caught, we will be in trouble." Ariya says in which Noor replies, "Don't worry too much, they won't be able to find us." "Well, how can you say that with so much confidence?" Ariya asks.

"Look, neither do they know us nor do we recognize them, so how will they able catch us, they don't even know our names". Noor tries to make ariya understand so that she don't worry much

" But_ " " there are nothing but, don't think too much and just chill" says Noor interrupting Ariya.

In mean time a lot cars line up one after the other in front of office, the driver of second car out of the car and opens the door of back seat and A tall and handsome man comes out of it with an arrogant face adjusting his suit and then from the other side comes out an another man

The personalities of both are almost the same they resemble each other a lot

Both of them go to their personal lift through the lobby. Their lift was also in the parking lot but they wanted to check on their employees whether they were working properly or not. Both of them came out of the lift and went straight to a cabin Outside which was written C.E.O  R Shekhawat.

That guy says to the other guy " one cup coffee for me ". The other guy. his assistant says " Ok sir "

The assistant goes to the cafeteria to get coffee for his boss.

After he leaves, that man the boss says to himself, “Where are you princess? I am missing you a lot today. Seeing it today I remembered you. That pendent… that pendent was exactly like the one you had.”

Just then, there is a sound of knocking on the door from outside.

The man comes out of his thoughts.

"Come in"

Assistant "Boss, your coffee"

The man stares at him. "Adarsh how many times have I told you not to call me boss when we are alone" Adarsh raised his hands up and said "ok ok I will call you by your name. Ryan !"

"hmm it's better for you. Leave that, did you find out anything about her?" Ryan asks curious.

Adarsh said making a disappointed face. "No, not yet, but we are trying. We will find her." In reply Ryan Said in arrogant voice "Effort? I don't want your effort I want result and that too quickly" "OK, I will send more of my men to find her."  " hmm."

After that Adarsh tells him today's schedule.

"By the way, you have an appointment today." " hmm, okay send them." Then adarsh leaves from there and calls the receptionist to send the person whose have appointment with Ryan

At that moment a knock is heard from the door

"come in" said Ryan

The cabin door opens. And a voice is heard. " Good morning Mr. Shekhawat "

That voice was so sweet that Ryan got lost in it. Ryan raises his head and looks ahead.

A girl comes in. Ryan is shocked to see her and so is the girl.

"You" (both say together.)

Ryan stares at her. The girl quickly hides her head in the file.

Ryan gets up from his seat angrily and says "You...what are you doing here?"

The girl moves the file a little from her mouth and says "same thing, what are you doing here" "What?" Ryan asks. "No, I meant that I can ask this question to you too. What are you doing here?" "This office where you are standing is mine, so is this cabin" he Growled

Hola butterflys this chapter is a bit short compere to other and next 2 chapters  will be short to but from chapter 9 the story parts will be upload normal wait till that

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