10. I found you

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Ryan and Noor had reached the pool side area. She was walking behind him. Suddenly Ryan turns around to say something to her, who was walking right behind him. Due to his turn, Noor lost her balance and falls into the swimming pool with a splash.

" Help.... Save me..... Save me.... I don't know how to swim. Please save me." Noor cries as her hands and legs thrash in the water. Seeing her drowning, Ryan jumps into the swimming pool without a second thought. Although the water was not that deep.

But Noor did not know how to swim. That is why the water seemed deeper to her.

Ryan comes swimming towards Noor. Noor came to the middle of the pool moving her hands and legs. Ryan held her by the waist and lifts her up. When Noor feels Ryan's hand on her waist, she puts her hand around his neck and wraps her legs around his waist and holds him tightly. He lifts her by the waist and takes her out of the pool.

After coming out of the pool, Noor starts coughing. She was still in Ryan's arms and did not even realise it. Her dress was completely wet because of the water. And her shrug had slipped off her shoulders.

Her body was clearly visible because of the white dress. He saw her taking long breaths due to lack a breath. That's when his eyes go to Noor's body. Her dress had become see-through. He was about to turn his face after seeing this, when his eyes go to the heart area a little above Noor's chest where there was a tattoo of half butterfly .

This... I have seen this somewhere, but where? .... Princess!!!!!! I remembered.... Princess... My princess also had a similar tattoo like this, and at the same place. So is she my princess? Yes that's must be it firstly the pendant now that tattoo she is my princess, miss noor is my princess...i found you i finally found you, Ryan thinks in his mind.

When Noor looks at Ryan, he is looking at her it confused her so she follows his gaze to see where was he's looking at. As soon as she realizes where's he is looking, she quickly covers herself with both her hands.

Because of her sudden action Ryan comes out of his thoughts and starts looking at her suddenly he felt warm in his heart thinking he was now looking at not a normal girl but the love of his life

Squinting her eyes Noor asks him, "where were you looking? Aren't you ashamed? Were are you manners" hearing her voice he realise he was steering at her for a quite long time, realising this his ears turned red and he started looking here and there,

"what....what was I looking at? Nothing. And you are not that beautiful that I should look at you. Right. And anyway, don't you think you should thank me? After all, I saved you."

Ryan says in a stylish manner, running his hands through his hair. Noor pouts on hearing his words. "Hmm sure..... thank.....you ....Mr.....R ...." Noor says, emphasizing each word.

"Ryan" he said, Noor looks at him confused. "Ryan, you can call me Ryan," he says. "But Mr_" "just call me Ryan." "But how can i_"

Ryan then interrupts her and says blackmailing her. "It's ryan got it, if you want to have a meeting with me." On this she has to give up. "Ok fine ...Mr. Ryan", "it's Ryan, only Ryan not Mr." "Ok ... Ok fine Ryan, Now you are hap.." (aachu...) (anchchi ... aaanchhi ....(snizz) Noor starts sneezing repeatedly.

Seeing Noor sneezing like this Ryan said, "Looks like you have caught a cold. Let's do one thing. Come inside I will arrange some warm clothes for you."

"No no i can manag..(aachu)" "manage? How can you manage in wet clothes of her" he was consent of her health. "It's fine it was nothing" "shut up and listen to me" he said raising his voice a little high, and because of that noor finally agree

Seeing Noor sneezing so badly, Ryan lifts her in his arms. "Oh.. what are you doing?" Noor gets shocked by Ryan's sudden lifting of her and puts her arms around his neck Noor looks at Ryan in surprise and asks,

"Why, are you blind? Can't you see what I am doing?" Ryan answers her in a negative tone and starts taking her inside the mansion.

"Yes, I can see what you are doing. But why have you picked me up in your arms? I am not a small child. And God has given me two capable legs. And they are perfectly fine, I am fully capable of walking on my own two legs" she said making her point clear

"Yes, I know and I have also seen how you walk, that's why you fell in the pool." Hearing Ryan's words, Noor's mouth shuts. "But Ryan_" Noor was about to say something when Ryan interrupted her and said, "You can't remain quiet for some time. If you continue to distract me like this, then this time both of us will fall together."

Hearing Ryan's words, Noor makes a face but Ryan smiles looking at her. Seeing him smile she turn her face to the other's side "Where are we going?" Noor asks.

"To my room." "To your room, no i won't go? You want to advantage of my situation now, let go of me I won't go with you" Noor starts struggling.

"Hey, what are you doing? You will fall. Don't move like this." "No, no, I don't want to go to your room." "W_why shouldn't you go? Are there ghosts there who will eat you up?" Ryan says staring at Noor.

"No, when did I say that? But why are we going to your room?" "To Changing clothes isn't it obvious. So for  sake of the love please keep your mouth shut for now."

Hearing Ryan's words, Noor puts her finger on her mouth. And he takes her through the hall and comes straight to his room. Ryan drops Noor outside the bathroom and says, "You go to the washroom and freshen up. I will look into arranging clothes for you."

"Thank you Mr Ryan. But how will you freshen up? You are wet too." Hearing Noor's words, Ryan starts taking steps towards her. "So what? Are you saying to take a shower with you."

Hearing him noor's face turn red she takes a step back. "N_no...no...no, when did I say such a thing?" Noor says stammering.

"I don't have any problem with that." (silence.....). "Huh ha.....ha.....ha......" Noor suddenly starts laughing. Seeing Noor laughing like this, Ryan reacts as if he is looking at a mad person. "Ha....ha.... Nice joke Mr Ryan.  For a moment I thought you were serious."

Noor was standing behind the washroom and Ryan was right in front of her at a distance of just two inches. Both were feeling each other's breath. Ryan, placing his hands on both her sides, leaned a little over her and taking his lips near her ear, said in a seductive voice.

"I am serious. I don't have any problem with taking a shower with you. No actually I want to take a bath with you. Miss Noor" "what ..... t" her face who was  completely red from blushing now turn pale just like her soul left her body

"But if you don't want to, then it's okay. Let's make a deal. I want to know something from you." Noor looks at him strangely. "What do you want to know from me?"

He smirk and points at Noor's chest. Noor quickly covers herself with her hands in nervousness. "I want to know about this tattoo on your chest." He said

"Tattoo? I don't have any tattoos" she confusing said


Hey lovely readers 😊
I hope you like this part
It's may have some grammatical mistakes sorry for that 😅 and please support me by voting and do comment your thoughts, it's can motivate me to update more ♥️

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