The Quidditch World Cup

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The Quidditch World Cup was more than just a game; it was an event that united the wizarding world in a collective thrill. Tents filled the sprawling field, each one decorated with vibrant banners, magical artefacts, and the colours of favourite teams. The air was thick with the smells of roasting food, the sounds of laughter and excited chatter, and the occasional pop of magical fireworks.

Elena's laughter rang out over the din as she playfully nudged Ron, who was still recounting every play from the Ireland versus Bulgaria match. "I'm telling you, Krum's Wronski Feint was the highlight of the night!" Ron said for what felt like the tenth time, his eyes wide with excitement. Harry grinned, his messy black hair falling into his eyes as he nodded in agreement. "Yeah, but Ireland's Chasers were brilliant too. They barely gave Bulgaria a chance."

Hermione rolled her eyes fondly at the boys' enthusiasm but couldn't help joining in. "It was a tactical masterpiece, really. The way they coordinated their attacks was impressive."

Elena laughed, her eyes sparkling as she hooked an arm around Harry's shoulders. "Oh, come on, Hermione, don't be so modest! We all know you've been reading up on Quidditch strategy. You're practically a commentator now!" Hermione blushed slightly but smiled, the warmth of their camaraderie making the night even more special. It was rare for the four of them to be able to just enjoy themselves like this, without the shadow of Voldemort or the pressures of school hanging over them.

As they made their way back to the tent, Elena walked beside Harry, her usual boldness tempered by a quiet contentment. She had known Harry since they were children, and their friendship had only grown stronger over the years. She admired his strength, his bravery, and the way he always put others before himself. But what she cherished most was the way they could talk about anything and everything, from the silliest jokes to the heaviest of burdens.

"Harry, what's on your mind?" Elena asked, noticing the slight furrow in his brow as they walked.

Harry glanced at her, his green eyes reflecting the glow of the magical lanterns around them. "Just thinking about how lucky we are to be here. It's hard to believe we're at the Quidditch World Cup, you know?"

Elena nodded, understanding the weight behind his words. Harry's life had never been easy, and moments of pure happiness were often overshadowed by the darker realities of his past. But tonight, he seemed lighter, freer, and she was determined to help keep it that way.

"Yeah, it's like a dream," she agreed, giving him a small smile. "But don't worry, Potter. We'll make sure you remember every moment." Harry chuckled, feeling a warmth spread through him at her words. 

They shared a companionable silence as they continued toward the tent, the night air cool against their faces. But as they drew closer, something shifted in the atmosphere. The distant sounds of laughter and celebration began to fade, replaced by an unsettling quiet that sent a chill down their spines. Ron stopped in his tracks, his expression turning serious as he looked around. "What's going on? It was so loud just a minute ago." Hermione frowned, her instincts immediately on high alert. "I don't like this. Something's wrong." Elena's eyes narrowed as a sense of unease washed over her. "We need to find out what's happening. Stay close."

Without another word, the group quickened their pace, their senses heightened as they approached the tent. But before they could reach it, a sudden scream pierced the air, followed by the unmistakable sound of panic spreading through the campsite.

"Run!" someone shouted from the distance, and the next moment, chaos erupted.

The sky above them blazed with green light as the Dark Mark appeared, casting an eerie glow over the landscape. The symbol of Voldemort and his Death Eaters sent waves of terror through the crowd, and people began to flee in every direction, desperate to escape the looming danger.

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