let the party commence

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The Gryffindor common room was alive with the energy of students returning to Hogwarts after a long summer. The fire roared warmly in the hearth, casting flickering shadows across the stone walls as laughter and chatter filled the room. The mood was jubilant; everyone was thrilled to be back, surrounded by familiar faces and excited for the year ahead.

Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Elena had just returned from the welcoming feast in the Great Hall, their bellies full and spirits high. The moment they stepped into the common room, they were swept up into the buzzing atmosphere of a spontaneous party. First-years marveled at the size of the room, while older students greeted each other with exuberant hugs and enthusiastic greetings.

"Feels good to be back, doesn't it?" Ron said with a wide grin, throwing himself onto one of the plush armchairs by the fire. He stretched out lazily, clearly enjoying the lively atmosphere.

"Definitely," Harry agreed, sinking into the chair next to him. He looked around, taking in the sight of his housemates laughing and chatting, the tension of the summer fading away. He was grateful to be back at Hogwarts, where the walls of the castle seemed to shield them all from the troubles of the outside world—at least for now.

Hermione perched on the edge of the armchair beside Harry, already eyeing a stack of books on a nearby table with anticipation.

As the night wore on, the common room grew louder, with more students joining in the fun. Someone had managed to sneak in a stash of butterbeer, and the bottles were being passed around, adding to the festive atmosphere. Fred and George Weasley had set up a makeshift joke shop in one corner, demonstrating their latest inventions to a captivated audience.

"Oi, Harry," Ron called out, leaning forward with a mischievous grin as he noticed Harry's gaze lingering on Cho Chang, who was laughing with a group of Ravenclaws in the far corner. "Eyes on the prize, mate?"

Harry felt his cheeks heat up, and he quickly looked away, attempting to feign disinterest. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Oh, come on," Ron teased, nudging Harry's shoulder. "You've had a thing for Cho since last year. Everyone knows it."

Harry tried to suppress a smile but failed. "I'm just looking around, Ron."

"Sure you are," Ron said, his grin widening. "Just so happens that Cho is exactly where your eyes land, eh?"

Hermione rolled her eyes, clearly unimpressed by the topic of conversation. "Honestly, Ron, can't you talk about anything other than who fancies whom?"

"Why should I? It's fun!" Ron retorted, leaning back in his chair with a satisfied grin. "Besides, it's not like I'm the only one who's noticed. What about you, Elena? Fancy anyone this year?"

Elena, who had been mid-laugh at something one of the other girls had said, suddenly found herself the center of attention. She blinked, surprised, before shooting Ron a playful glare. "Oh, so we're playing that game, are we?"

Ron shrugged, looking entirely too pleased with himself. "Just curious."

"No, I haven't not that it's any of your business" She replied

"Really.. No one?.. What about you Hermione?" Ron asked, a hint of shyness in his voice. Hermione went slightly pink and before she could answer Harry butted in.

"What about that Viktor Crum he's bound to catch your eye Hermione" He smiled knowingly. Hermione rolled her eyes, ignoring his comment and the previous conversation and instead walking over to get a drink. Elena followed her and they soon found themselves cornered by a group of Gryffindor girls, all of whom were talking animatedly about the latest gossip and, inevitably, boys. The group included Lavender Brown, Parvati Patil, Katie Bell, and a couple of other girls from their year. The conversation quickly turned to the topic that Hermione had been hoping to avoid.

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