Hogsmeade Date

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Elena sat on the edge of her bed in the Gryffindor girls' dormitory, twirling a strand of hair around her finger. The late afternoon sun streamed through the tall windows, casting warm, golden light over the room. The other girls were downstairs in the common room, but Elena had slipped away to talk to Hermione in private. She needed to get something off her chest, and Hermione was the only one she trusted to talk it through.

Hermione, perched cross-legged on her own bed, had her Transfiguration book open, but she was clearly more focused on Elena than on the spells in front of her. "So," she said, glancing up with a curious smile, "what's this big news you've been dying to tell me all day?"

Elena bit her lip, trying to figure out the best way to start. She felt a mix of excitement and anxiety bubbling up inside her. Finally, she blurted out, "Cedric Diggory asked me to go to Hogsmeade with him."

Hermione's eyes widened in surprise, and then her face broke into a grin. "Cedric? That's fantastic, Elena! He's such a great guy, and honestly, half the girls in the school would kill to be in your shoes right now."

Elena couldn't help but smile back, though her enthusiasm was a bit more subdued. "Yeah, I know. He's really sweet, and it's not like I'm not interested, but..."

Hermione leaned forward, sensing there was more to the story. "But what? Your not very enthusiastic?"

Elena had so much to say but she bit her lip pushing back most of her thoughts. Trying to brush the ideas away from her mind. "Maybe I'm just nervous.."

"So," Hermione said, a teasing glint in her eye, "have you planned what you're going to wear? You know, it's your first official date. That's kind of a big deal."

Elena groaned playfully, rolling her eyes. "Oh, don't start with that. I have no idea what I'm going to wear. It's just Hogsmeade, not the Yule Ball."

"Still," Hermione said, grinning, "you want to make a good impression, don't you? Cedric's going to look amazing no matter what, so you might as well put in some effort."

"Ugh, now you're making me nervous all over again," Elena said, though she was laughing now. "Maybe I'll just wear my usual stuff. I don't want to seem like I'm trying too hard."

"Or," Hermione said with a sly smile, "you could try that new jumper you bought last weekend in Diagon Alley. It's really cute, and the color would look great on you."

Elena tilted her head, considering it. "Maybe... I do like that jumper. Okay, fine, I'll wear it. But if I start obsessing over how I look, it's your fault."

Hermione laughed, raising her hands in surrender. "I promise I won't let you turn into Parvati or Lavender. But a little effort never hurt anyone, right?"

Elena rolled her eyes but couldn't help smiling. "Fine, fine. But if Cedric asks me why I'm all dressed up, I'm blaming you."

"Deal," Hermione said, still grinning. "But seriously, Elena, just be yourself. That's the person Cedric asked out, after all."

"Yeah Yeah, lets not get sappy with it" Elena chuckled throwing a pillow over at Hermione. "Come on lets go downstairs, apparently Ron bought snacks and I'm dead hungry"


The morning was crisp and cool as Elena made her way down the stone steps of Hogwarts, her heart pounding with a mix of excitement and nerves. The sky above was a brilliant blue, dotted with wispy clouds, and the grounds were buzzing with students eager for a day at Hogsmeade. She had been looking forward to this date with Cedric ever since he'd asked her, but now that the moment had arrived, her stomach was a tangle of butterflies.

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