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The Hogwarts library was usually a place of quiet study, but today it was filled with a sense of urgency and unease as Harry, Elena, and Hermione huddled together at a corner table. Books were piled high around them, many of them open to chapters about magical creatures, defensive spells, and strategies for dealing with dangerous situations. The atmosphere was tense as the three of them brainstormed ideas, trying to figure out how Harry was going to survive his upcoming encounter with a dragon.

Harry had been through a lot since his name had mysteriously appeared from the Goblet of Fire, and the absurdity of the situation was starting to take its toll on him. Despite the seriousness of the matter, there was an underlying sense of disbelief that kept creeping into their conversation.

"I mean, seriously," Hermione said, shaking her head as she flipped through yet another book on magical creatures, "how did your name even get in the Goblet of Fire in the first place? It just doesn't make any sense!"

Harry ran a hand through his hair, his frustration evident. "Tell me about it. One minute, I'm just a regular student—well, as regular as I can be—and the next, I'm supposed to fight a dragon? It's ridiculous!"

Elena, who had been quietly taking notes, looked up and couldn't help but smile at the absurdity of it all. "When you put it that way, it sounds like something out of a bad joke. 'A boy walks into a school tournament and ends up fighting a dragon.' It's completely insane!"

For a moment, the tension lifted, and all three of them broke into laughter. The sheer absurdity of Harry's situation was enough to make them forget, even if only briefly, about the danger he was facing. The sound of their laughter echoed softly through the library, drawing a few curious glances from other students who were studying nearby.

Elena found herself relaxing as she laughed along with Harry and Hermione. She realized that she was starting to appreciate these moments more and more—moments where she felt like she was truly connecting with Harry. It wasn't that she and Harry had never been friends; it was just that she had always been closer to Hermione. But now, with everything that was happening, she felt like she was getting closer to Harry as well, and she liked it.

Just as she was beginning to feel comfortable, the Patil twins walked past their table, casting flirtatious smiles in Harry's direction. "Hi, Harry!" they said in unison, their voices sing-songy and playful.

Harry smiled awkwardly, clearly unsure of how to respond. "Uh, hi," he muttered, before quickly turning back to Elena and Hermione, trying to continue the conversation as if nothing had happened.

Elena forced a smile, but inside, she felt a pang of annoyance. That was one downside of always being with Harry these days—she was starting to see just how much attention he was getting from other girls. It wasn't that she blamed him for it, but it was starting to wear on her nerves.

A few minutes later, another group of girls walked by, this time one of them actually stopping to talk to Harry. "I think you're really brave, Harry," the girl said, her voice filled with admiration as the others behind her giggled.

Harry managed a polite smile and mumbled something about doing his best, but Elena could see the blush creeping up his cheeks. As the girls walked away, Elena couldn't help but feel a surge of irritation. She knew it was silly to be upset, but it was as if everywhere she looked, there was another girl fawning over Harry. It was starting to get on her nerves more than she cared to admit.

Before she knew it, her annoyance bubbled over into words. "Are you sure you didn't put your name in the Goblet of Fire, Harry?" Elena asked, her tone half-joking but with an edge that she hadn't intended.

Harry looked at her, his expression shifting from confusion to irritation. "No, I didn't," he replied sharply, clearly not in the mood for jokes on the subject.

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