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The alarm clock rang andCharlie turned it off, groaning sleepily. While she usually got uppositive, that morning she was weighed down by the events of the daybefore.

Sleepy, she let her facefall back on the pillow. She didn't really want to start the day; shejust wanted to curl up under the covers and pretend the world outsidedidn't exist.

If she got up, she wouldhave to face the journey to the embassy and the impossible riddleAdam had mentioned. She didn't feel like it.

Vaggie, by her side, hadwoken up with her and, seeing that she was struggling to get up,tried to encourage her: «Charlie, honey, you have to get up. We havean important mission today.»

«I can't do it, Vaggie.»the princess of hell admitted.

Vaggie tried to comforther: «Charlie, we have survived an extermination. This riddlehowever difficult it may be, it isn't the end of the world. We canfind the solution by brainstorming together.»

Turning her head towardher girlfriend, Charlie had tears in her eyes: «Vaggie, you don'tunderstand! After defeating the exterminator angels I assumed therewould be no other major obstacles. Everything went smoothly formonths, the biggest problems were recidivist sinners and those takingadvantage of our hospitality. Then suddenly Adam appears and-I don'tknow if I can take any more pressure!»

Charlie clutched thepillow tightly, hiding her face in her arms as light sobs shook herbody.

Shaken by the deep anguishthat was tormenting her mate, Vaggie gently caressed her hair, hopingthat gesture would at least offer her some comfort. She could notbear to see Charlie so downhearted; every sob, every tear broke herheart. Trying to find the right words, she gently held her in herarms, whispering to her in a calm, soothing voice: «Charlie, it'sunlike you to give up this easily.»

The words were filled withlove and deep trust. «You have to remember who you are, honey. Youcreated this hotel against all odds, you overcame obstacles thatseemed insurmountable, and you did all of this with a determinationthat few possess. Even when everyone laughed at you, you kept going,and now you are a light for everyone in here.»

Vaggie continued, hervoice vibrant with affection. «You have the extraordinary ability toinspire and guide people. You saved me, you are saving many souls inthis hotel, and even Headshot, who arrived recently, has alreadygrown fond of you. You know why? Cause you're a pillar, Charlie. Youare a lighthouse in the midst of millennia of darkness. True,everyone is counting on you, but don't forget that everyone is readyto defend you if necessary. And I, more than anyone, am here for you,because I love you more than anything.»

Feeling the love andsupport in Vaggie's words, Charlie began to calm down. The warmth ofher touch and the gentleness of her words were like a balm for herweary soul. She inhaled deeply, trying to regain some of the innerstrength that always guided her.

«I can't promise I cangive one hundred percent today.» Charlie admitted as he stood up,but with a determined smile he added, «But with you by my side, I'lleven move the mountains.»

Vaggie gently wiped away atear that was still shining on her face and replied with a lovingsmile: «That's my Charlie.» Moving closer, she gave her a lightkiss, a touch of her lips that contained all the love and trust shefelt for her. Then, with a hint of complicity, she added: «Come on,let's get ready. The mission is waiting for us.»


The hall was buzzing withlife, with guests hastily moving around, each heading to their dailyroutines. Conversations weaved through the air, creating a continuousbackground of chatter and laughter. In a quieter corner, away fromthe main chaos, Charlie had gathered with her friends. After theusual greetings, Charlie took the floor, her tone serious butdetermined: «So. I'm heading to the Embassy today to try to solvethis riddle. It would be nice if you could all come with me, but Iknow the hotel still needs you. So, who's up for joining me andVaggie?»

Eddie On A Cross: A Hazbin Hotel FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now