Chapter 16

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Usagi went on to check his taijutsu proficiency, and to say that he was satisifed was an understatement, once he successfully masters the lightning chakra mode, his power will skyrocket with the use of lightning chakra mode
Ninjtaijutsu as the Cloud Ninja are used to calling it, their Raikage is the best example of this jutsu
As Usagi was practicing, the cover to his tent was opened and a ninj that he was acquainted with came in
"Usagi-san, the commander is calling for us"
"Huh, alright i am coming" Usagi got up and changed his attire
Although the Jutsu was yet to be learned proficiently, it could still allow him to accomplish some self saving movements in times of need, he had yet to put his Fuinjutsu talent to use but that was harder to do then it looked
'Perhaps i should seek out Kushina after the war, or maybe the hokage will give me some fuinjutsu to study' thought Usagi as he arrived at the camp
Upon entering, he saw Fugaku,the clan head of the Uchiha, and Orochimaru standing in front of dozens of Chunin
'Looks like something big is going to happen' Usagi felt his heart tighten, infact during the three months, one such event happened and it caused the death of many Chunin and a few Jonin
The formations of the Rock ninja to use several Earth Release jutsu to overpower the konoha ninja was hard to tackle
One of the Jonin spoke up seeing that everyone had arrived
"Orochimaru-sama, why have you called us, is the Rock going to invade?" Asked the ninja
Orochimaru, who was the main leader of the Rock front followed by Fugaku as the vuce leader simply smiled
His snake like appearance gave others a chill, hence the reason why only one Jonin among the five dared to speak out
Unlike the other two Sannin, Orochimaru was a cold blooded guy in their eyes
"Hehe, nothing of that sort...but i have found a very little interesting detail that will help the leaf turn the tide" snickered Orochimaru
"Lord Orochimaru...please elaborate"
Spoke Fugaku in his serious tone, although Orochimaru wanted to appear mysterious, seeing Fugaku and the few jonin who were waiting for the info, he spoke out
"Hmm, my snakes have gathered some intel...the Rock Village has found out our camps location, and they are planning an ambush" Orochimaru spoke, causing everyone else to gasp
Some were afraid, some were worried, but most had their blood boiling, Usagi noticed this as well, even he was excited as well as a little afraid, excited because he will get to loot some more ninja and afraid because the konoha camp had been discovered
"Orochimaru-sama, we must leave then" spoke Fugaku,"If the Rock Ninja really attack then it will be difficult for us"
"Indeed, it will be difficult if the Earth attacks us, but think about it...what if instead of them attacking us, we turn the tides and use this to attack them" Orochimaru spoke out
Fugaku frowned, he felt it was too weak, although he has brought a few dozen of chunin and five jonin Uchiha, the fight wont be easy
The leaf us being pierced from both sides, and their numbers are less then that of Rock Ninja by a large amount
Upon speaking of his worries,Orochimaru dismissed it, speaking words of motivation
"If we keep backing off, it wont be long before the Rock enters the Land of Fire, we dont want the Daimyo thinking we are weak, do we?" Questioned Orochimaru
It was easy for Orochimaru rile up the other Jonin seeing as everyone had lost someone important to them and thus it was decided that they will be ambushing the Rock Village Ninja
Once the Chunin left, the tent fell into silence as only jonin and above njnja were left inside
"Lord Orochimaru,although we have decided to ambush the Rock ninja, how are we going to do so" asked one of the jonin from the Ino Shika Cho clans trio
"Indeed, although we now have the element of surprise, the other side will also come prepared" A Nara spoke out as he analyzed the situation
"Yes, the Rock Ninja are good at Formation based attacks and usually overwhelm others by combining their ninjutsu attack, we need to drown them in one fell swoop if we want to win"
"Hmm, i understand what you guys are trying to say, but we also have our own ninja that can combine several jutsu to produce higher effects" one of the ninja spoke up
"Right! We have several of them, especially the Combined jutsu of InoShikaCho"
"Yes, beside we have several Uchiha with strong fire ninjutsu, combining it with wind jutsu will be very good"
"We can also set up traps and seals"
Soon enough Orochimaru and the others came up with a detailed plan,although it was mostly Orochimaru giving orders and Fugaku interjecting here and there
While all of this was happening, Usagi who was walking away from the main tent was left alone to try out his taijutsu proficiency
After carrying out several taijutsu movesets that his body was imprinted with by the system, Usagi concluded that he was currently on the same level as Lee without the eight gates
"Although i need to train my body to truly unleash what i have learned, coincidentally the Lightning chakra mode will also strengthen my body as its a body technique as well" Usagi chuckled, although he couldnt take medicine baths and such during the war, using other methods such as training in between the patrols was good enough
"I just hope i dont die when the Rock Ninja arrive" thought Usagi
"Little Rabbit!" Called out a ninja, a nickname that those who were friends with him often used
"What is it Uroshi-senpai!?" Asked Usagi as he deactivated the lightning chakra mode, his clothes were still wrinkly from all the damage they suffered
"Kid! You look weird..anyway, you have been assigned to my squad, tomorrow we will be responsible for..." the Jonin explained everything
It seemed that his fame had increased to a higher degree, Even Orochimaru had praised his Toad oil bullet Jutsu, saying it was almost like he was using the same jutsu as the legendary sannin Jiraiya
Him and a couple of Other ninja with crowd control skills were strategically placed around the camp to deal a blow to the Rock village
Usagi was then led by Uroshi to meet a group of Chunin and a jonin
He was surprised knowing that all of them were Uchiha
With their powerful Fire style and his toad oil jutsu, they were bound to be a powerful force, not to mention that he could use Wind style jutsu to further enhanxe the range of Toad Oil Jutsu as well as the Fire style jutsu of the Uchiha
'Great! I will get to kill more ninja' thought Usagi as his eyes shined with greed
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