Chapter 24

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'Where am i?' Usagi thought to himself as he looked around
Very soon, he recalled being smashed by the giant Nomu ;).
Though he vaguely remebered hearing a thundering sound of someone defending his defenseless body as he succumbed to his wounds
With some effort and pain in his lungs, Usagi stood up from the bed, fortunately all his belongings were on him which surprised him considering he was a mysterious entity that had barged into UA, perhaps it was becuse he said he was acquainted with Tsuyu or whatever
Usagi carassed the blade of his chakra metal sword, its edges were as sharp as ever, one could say that he had won only because he was using his sword
'I wonder if i should name it, considering it is our first time meeting and all that' thought Usagi as he looked at the gleaming blade before putting it back in his sheath
His upper body was tightly bandaged, he vaguely felt that his broken bones had already healed, only superficial wounds were left. Or perhaps hidden injuries that he didnt know about
Just as he was about to head out, the sliding door opened to reveal a small granny looking at him
"Oh! You are awake! Let me call All might and the others" spoke The granny as she hastily left
"Are they that naive?!" Usagi questioned as he walked out, then thought about it for a moment before he went back in and sat down again
'Since they are willing to trust me so much, i might as well return the favor' Usagi thought as he waited
It took the others only three minutes to fill into the room
Followed by Recovery girl, All might, Nezu,Midnight and two more heroes that Usagi didnt seem to remember enter the room, along with them was a guy with a dogs head, he had on him a police uniform.
swish* Eraser head who was actually covered by blinds and was adjacent to Usagi also pulled the curtains aside
Usagi looked at everyone, as everyone looked at him, he felt a certain level of vigilance for them, he did kill hundreds of villains after all, and they might have tried to look for any record of him in this world and come up with nothing
He also believed that they might have also talked to Tsuyu
"Hello! My Name is Nezu, It might not look like it but i am the owner of this hero school,UA.
"I am aware, hello to you too, my name is Usagi Shingetsu, you can call me Usagi" Usagi replied with a smile
Since the other party, Nezu in particular didnt look at him like he was a monster, he didnt see any need to act like one
With the two greeting each other in a civil manner, the atmosphere cooled down a bit as everyone relaxed, Usagi noticed Eraser head who was covered in bandages giving him a look, likely having noticed him come back moments after running away
"Alright Usagi-san, since pleasentaries are iut of the way, i would like to thank you on behald of the parents of the UA students and the teachers for protecting them" Nezu gave a short bow as he said so
Usagi who was suddenly thanked smiled awkwardly, to him this was just a mission,he had only acted on his selfishness,
"Its alright, its my duty to help those in need" said Usagi as he also gave a small bow in return
The other teachers behind Nezu also nodded,
"So who are you? Usagi-san" asked Nezu, his eyes gleaming with an intelligent light
"I think you already know the answer to that" replied Usagi as he smiled back, he was pretty sure the way Nezu introduced him to UA that Tsuyu might have spilled the beans
Not like he was trying to hide or anything, since it was no big deal as he could go baxk whenever he wanted
Unlike before when the system required him to obtain the bronze token from the contractor, it seemed like the system was updating itself through every mission
"Haha! I have an idea, though it would be better if we heard it from you" said Nezu
"Sigh! I am a Ninja, to be precise, i am a Chunin of Konoha, the village hidden in leaf, a planet in a universe far beyond your own, which is the reason you can't look me up, but you already know that"
"I dont believe it" replied Midnight, she eyed Usagi with a stink eye, "we must apprehend him, no matter what they did, they shouldnt have been killed"
"Really! Can you say that to those parents that have their kids killed right before their eyes, or can you even say that to that green haired brats mother,heh!" Usagi ridiculed as he glared back at midnight, although it only agitated her even more
"Calm down! Midnight" All might spoke at this moment
"Usagi kid! Although you helped our kids, it doesn't absolve you of your crimes..." All might states as he looked Usagi in the eye
He could see the good in him, and a fire burning that wanted to do good, but his way was twisted, killing outright wasnt the way
"Son! I am sorry but we will have to take you under custody" the dogman walked forward
Seeing this, Usagi only sighed, guess the ways of the ninja world were not accepted everywhere, just as he was about to ask the system to go back
"Usagi-san, how about this, if you accept to be a part of UA, i could pull some strings to get you out in a week" Nezu spoke at this moment causing the others to be shocked, they didnt expect Nezu to hand out an olive branch
Even All might was shocked, though he looked at Nezu as if he were the kindest soul on earth, then looked at Usagi eagerly
"Son! There is nothing to be afraid of, Nezu is a man...rodent of his word, and trust me, UA will be proud to have a student like you " All might said in his preaching mode, putting his hand forwards for a shake
Usagi though looked at Nezu and nearly wanted to give the little guy a squeeze, well played, if he wasnt a traveler,he really would have seen this as Nezu being generous, but he could see that glint in his eyes, the same one that Orochimaru always had when he was planning in the war room.
"Haha! Well played, although i am sorry but i will have to refuse...until we meet again, old mouse" said Usagi as he dissolved into motes of light at disappeared right before everyone's eyes

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