Chapter 13

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"So you are saying that Brecken summoned you from another world using some kind of tokens?" Asked Jade as the two parkoured through the Harran city towards the giant tower in the distance
"Yeah...thats the short explanation, he asked of me to save the towers residents from the infected, which includes you two as well" replied Usagi as he jumped alongside Jade, matching his speed so she could keep up
While all this was happening, there was only one thing going through his mind, where was Crane, the protagonist of the game
'Maybe i will get to see him soon enoug-'
Usagi stopped thinking as his eyes fell on a radio hanging from the waist of Jade
'Dont tell me you are dead bro!' Thought Usagi
Although it didnt matter to him as with his current strength he was sure he was unmatched in Harran
Unless he gets bitten
It didnt take long for Usagi to arrive a few meters away from the tower
"What the hell?!" Thought Usagi as he looked at the horde of zomhies surrounding the tower
The various traps that kept the zombies in check previously were demolished
"Rais! That puta!" Yelled Jade as she gritted her teeth
"What happened?" Asked Usagi and boy he did not expect what he was hearing
It seems that the latest batch of Antizen had been snatched away by Rais, during which ,Jade' boyfriend had died protecting someone who came from the outside, the said person was currently being treated inside the tower, but since they were low on Antizen, his fate was unknown
While Harris ordered Jade to go and ask for some Antizen from Rais, Karim went off on his own, causing Jade to change her objective, which led to the two of them meeting Jade who was now coming back to the tower
"Why do you think its Rais who caused all this?" Asked Usagi as he pointed at the hordes of zombies barging into the tower
"...after he stole our antizen, he contacted us, in return for a favor from us he was willing to give us some antizen, the men we sent to complete his favor were all killed, i went out to investigate and was almost killed, then i heard about Karim going out on his own, i wasnt able to contact the tower..." Jade became quiet as she looked at the towers surrounding
Usagi sighed as he looked at her, to be honest, even with his powers ,he didnt want to come into contact with those zombies
"Do you have more of those firecrackers?" Asked Usagi as he looked at Jade, dropping Karim on the floor
"What do you plan on doing?" Asked Jade, unwilling to endanger the weird boy
" i will draw their attention and lead them away, then come back and find you" replied Usagi as he took a bag full of firecrackers
"But thats too dangerous-"
"Do you have a better idea...besides this is what i should be doing, Now go and wait for my signal" retorted Usagi as he jumped from building to building, his agility and power fwr surpassing Volatiles
Jade watched Usagi run towards the distant tower as she picked up Karim and walked into the buildings top floor room, using some wooden furniture she closed the door in an effort to keep any stray zombies out in case they rushed over
Although she was half scared that Usagi would betray them but he was too strong for her to do anything
"Now then! Lets do this"
Usagi used Transformation jutsu and transformed into a volatile after summoning a few normal clones
Each of the clones was banded a firecracker and told to rile up the zombies to lead them away
The clones nodded as they all ran towards the tower meanwhile Usagi kept the transformation up, atleast the mormal biters around him werent attracted to him
'Its really good that the transformation jutsu is working fine'
Soon the sounds of firecrackers filled the air followed by the frienzied sound of all the volatiles, Biters and Demolishers surrounding the tower as they chased after the Several humans
Usagi on the other hand watched this all in silence, it took a few minutes but the tower was now clear of any zombies
Except a few dozen that were taken care of by him, Usagi could only hope that the system doesnt ask him to clear out all the floors of the tower to complete the mission
"I hope Harris isnt a bitch in this world...and Crane is dead as well" muttered Usagi as he took a round around the tower to make sure no zombies were left alive...unalive...whatever
After a good fifteen minutes of moving around looking like a volatile,Usagi finally entered the tower, his vision fell upon the damages generators and wires
' this means i might have to take care of Rais and his gang as well, i just hope i am not met with a hale of bullets or i might really die, or even worse, explosives ' Thought Usagi as he tried to make the elevator work but no success
'Do i really have to scale the tower?'
Just when he was about to ise Chakra to climb the tower, he heard the distressed voice of Jade who was beating the hell out of the generator
"Sis wait! I can make this work again, i just need some generator parts and this will be good as new!" Karim tried to calm her down
"Huh! No! You are not going out again,you hear me! And where are we going to find generator parts now, if there were generators in the area, we would have already taken it" retorted Jade as she sat on a chunk of broken concrete
"Relax...i will fix something up, all you need are generator parts..right "
"Damn it! Its a volatile! Karim! Get Back" jade yelled as she sprung into action, taking a machete and swinging it at Usagi
Usagi who was suddenly attacked immediately backed off,
"Oh sorry! I didnt mean to scare you guys, this is just make up, look!"
The dust parted to reveal Usagi who was back in his normal visage
"Y-you! Are you a zombie!" Asked Jade, incredulous with the whole situation
"Not an infected, i just have a set of peculiar abilities, anyways, you guys sit tight, i will look around for som generator parts" replied Usagi
"Its nearly impossible for there to be any generators left" Jade put down her machete as she sighed and continued,"the only other place you will find generators is Rais's place " Jade said
"Then i will just have to get one from him" smiled Usagi as he used Body Flicker to vanish from their sight
Hey guys! Hope you are in good health and living a happy life, so i have created a patron in case any of you guys want to access advance chapters, you will also get to vote on mc's future quests and powers.And getting some patreons will also motivate me to write more and earn something while i am at it since i like reading and writing /eternalrabbit
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