Chapter 20

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There was nothing much for Usagi to do beside walking around the hidden village of leaf and taking in the sights once he arrived at the leaf
Though contrary to his expectations, the streets of konoha were bare and not many of the shops were open due to the consequences of the war, Seeing this Usagi sighed as he decided to go back to his flat, him being an orphaned ninja made it easier for him to fit in since there was no one to pretend to.
Although there were still some clan members according to his member, but this clan was more like a distant ninja family, so he wasnt hoping of getting any money from the so called clan
The shingetsu Clan was a mediocre family of ninja , most of its members had an affinity to fire ninjutsu and thats it
Usagi went through the owners memories and estimated that there had never been any events like clan meeting and such, this was more and more like a family, but a rather cold and distant one
Usagi commanded the system to sell all the shuriken,Kunai,explosive tags that he had looted save for some that he might need later, it could be said that he had only been able to learn 60,000 ryo for now, with the previous 10000, he now had 70k Ryo.
Looking at the two scrolls he had been left with, Usagi felt the urge to sell them as well, but decided against it since he wanted to learn them first
He took out one scroll and read its content, it was a defensive Earth Release technique
Earth Release: Earth Style Wall
The scroll detailed the use of this jutsu and its chakra requirment depending on how you used the technqiue as you could either spew mud through the mouth and coat it with chakra to make a wall or put your hands on the ground to erect an earth wall
The other technique was
Earth Release: Earth Decapitation technique
This technique allowed the user to travel through the earth undetected by most forms of sensory ninja and pull the target by grabbing their feet. It can also allow the user to perform gorilla attacks
After some thinking, Usagi took the Earth release ninjutsu and went to one of the training grounds for practice
Both these jutsu had been circulated but were largely used by Anbu or Rock village ninja
Usagi took his time to memorise the techniques hand seals and practiced,
Though as expected of a B rank technqiue, Usagi only had meager technqiues for now
For the Earth style, he was only able to spew out a handful of mud, as for the Earth decapitation technique that allowed him to move underground, that was something he didn't want to risk in case he gets stuck
After spending an hour getting his mouth choked by mud, Usagi left it at that and focused on tempering his body, although buying tonics was out of the option, he didnt stop to train the lightning release Lightning chakra mode as it is one of the most powerful nintaijutsu in the naruto world, capable enough to overturn many battles if you have enough chakra
After every few minutes, one could se faint bluish arcs of lightning travel Usagi's body,his cells were bursting under the constant barrage of the lightning chakra that went through him
'At this rate it will take me a few month to get the hang of it, although i can increase my movement speed and reflexes for now, the other advantages of the lightning chakra mode havent been activated' thought Usagi
In a sense, Usagi had only partially completed his lightning chakra mode ,and the chakra consumption was astronomical
Though atleast compared to naturally acquired ninjutsu, the ninjutsu gained or mastered through the system were much easier to train, modify and master
Soon evening cam as Usagi finally left the training ground after putting away all his training tools and shurikens
System! Show me my status
Name : Shingetsu Usagi]
[Rank: Chunin]
[Power: Peak Chunin]
[Talents: Fuinjutsu talent]
[Jutsu: Clone Jutsu
Shadow Clone Jutsu
D rank basic jutsus
C-Rank Fire Release:Great FireBall technique,
C-Rank Fire Release: Fire Bullet Technique
C-Rank Water Release: Toad oil bullets
B-Rank Lightning Release: Lightning chakra mode]
[Chakra Nature:
Fire 20%
Wind 30%
Lightning 12%
water 7%
Earth 3%]
[Chakra Capacity :Low Chunin]
[Chakra control: Peak Chunin]
"Usagi! The hokage has called for you" Usagi nodded to the masked Anbu as he was about to go ahead and treat himself to some meat at the famous Barbeque restaurant operated by the Akamichi clan
"Alright , i am coming" he replied as the Anbu nodded before disappearing into the ground,Usagi also hurriedly went to the hokage building, wondering what it was all about
"Perhaps he is going to promote me again" he mumbled since his achievements had increased by a a good margin,though it was unlikely since he had no ninjutsu of B rank, which was a benchmark for jonin
'Perhaps he wants to ask me about how i came to learn about the toad oil bullet jutsu, i really hope this hokage isnt the evil version from the fanfics' Usagi thought as be didnt dare voice it out
Very quickly, he arrived outside the Hokage office, once it was his time, the reception lady let him enter,
"Shingetsu Usagi, a child of Xxx Shingetsu and xxx Shingetsu" the hokage said simply as he took a puff of his pipe
"Hokage-sama!" Usagi gave a curt bow as he acnoledged the hokage who simply nodded
"I have heard many a great things about you from Orochimaru, your commander on the Rock front, this scroll details all the achievements you have piled up over the course of the war,specially your toad oil jutsu, your mastery over several C Rank jutsu allowing you to perform them with a single seal despite your normal chakra control being seems the Shingetsu clan has really birthed a genius"
The hokage stated as he stared at Usagi, who felt a bit blushed considering he was being praised, god knew that he had only been praised two or three times in his previous life
Though that didnt make him loose sight of things,
"Thanks Hokage-sama, everything i have done is by sticking together and helping each other"
"Hm" the Hokage nodded as he lifted a card and beckoned for Usagi to come closer
"This is your new ninja card, it records your new rank as a Chunin, and this is your pay and reward for being a splendid chunin" The hokage stated as he handed several things to Usagi. Who simply took them and thanked the hokage
Just as he was about to leave the office, The hokage asked him one final question, perhaps the one that counted the most
"Usagi-kun, Are you a student of Jiraiya" he asked
", Hokage-sama"
"Alright, you can go, your senior will contact you for further details"
'Phew...that was a hard one' Usagi wiped the sweat off his head as he left the building, feeling like he was still being watched, then it struck him that he really might be under surveillance, perhaps the Hokage was using his Wizard ball to scout him
'I definitely can't practice in konoha,what if he sees me practicing the Lightning chakra mode and thinks i am some kind of spy' Usagi felt a chill as he hurried his foor steps and reached home
Once inside,he quickly cooked up a meal as practicing the chakra mode had severely depleted his reserves as well as strengthened his body by a small amount
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