Chapter 18

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shin shn shn shn*
The sounds of air cutting resounded as several ninja wearing the uniform of Rock village ran towards the ground, Usagi noted that the group of 24 was led by two jonin, he wondered what the situation was like on the other ends
The Uchiha jonin noded at Usagi who used his Toad oil jutsu fanned by another Uchiha Chunin who used the wind style great breathrough to spread the toad oil throughout the ranks of the enemy ninja
Several ninja noticing the situation tried to dodge out of the range of the jutsu but were hindered by the swamp
The Uchiha Jonin and remaining two Chunin used this oppurtunity to spew large Great Fireball and Flame Dragon bullets from their mouth
Seeing the area in a two hundred meters covered in large flames made Usagi gulp back as he saw several Chunin enemies writhing on the ground, the flames were persistent and refused to go out under the effect of the Toad oil
'No wonder the Uchiha are so arrogant, we were able to deal with so many enemies, atleast 25ninja'
Though Usagi's thoughts were short lived as a Chunin suddenly leaped out of the ground from below his hiding spot, preparing to finish him
Usagi rushed out of his way as he threw a few kunai which were easily dispatched
"All of you get back, one of the jonins has managed to break the encirclment" The Uchiha Jonin spoke as he took out his kunai and rushed at the ninja, easily evading the laters attacks
Usagi noticed that the jonin was already covered with a bit of toad oil so his movement was slower, and fighting with an uchiha at the same rank usually means death
The fighting ended anticlimatically as the jonin was easily captured while the chunins from the Uchiha clan and Usagi used several traps that were already set up to deal with any other chunin that managed to escape
Admist the gaze of his fellow teammates, Usagi rummaged throught the burnt corpses, pillaging and plundering anything he could find, most of the valuables had been lost,all he was able to salvage was 25 kunai and a total of fifty shuriken
"Here! This is your share" Usagi tried giving some to the Uchiha clansmen but was only met with scorn
'Whatever!' Muttered Usagi as he put them all into his scroll
'Alright ! Thats enough, we need to headback and report to Lord Orochimaru"
With that said the Uchiha and Usagi rushed back at their fastest speed after taking some pills to recover their lost chakra
Although Usagi's mind wondered back to the pile of corpses, wondering if he could have found a few ninjutsu scrolls if he was given enough time
A total of ten genin, 13 genin and two Jonin died at the hands of Usagi and his team
Once back at the camp, they immediately noticed one part of camp that was burnt with some smoke rising in the sky, though the atmosphere wasnt sad
'We must have won this bet!' Thought Usagi as he looked around, most of the ninja looked fine with a little bruises here and there, perhaps among all the people he had seen, him and his team were the most fit right now
After asking around, the jonin came back and as he had expected, Konoha had won the bet but with a bit of sacrifice
And the location of their camp was now in the open
A total of seven jonin and fifty or so chunin with genin in the hundreds had been killed in this battle alone so Rock village had lost a big chunk of its men
"Comgratulations fo you all, we have dealt a severe blow to the Rock ninja and our dead comrades have been avenged, i have already delivered this news to the hokage and he was praised you all" Orochimaru said as he addressed the whole camp
"Now we need to relocate as our location has been revealed" said Orochimaru as he began instructing the Jonins and Chunins on their duties
Usagi was called to head back and forth between the leaf and the camp to collect and deliver supplies, along with a jonin and some other chunin
Since the battle with Rock had cost them many of their explosive tags and such, it was necessary that they quickly restock the supplies
"Lord Fugaku , how about we take this time to ambush the supplies of the Rock ninja, we might as well just win the battle in one swing" Suggested Orochimaru as even though he was the commander of the Rock front
Fugaku was equally responsible
Listening to Orochimaru, Fugaku gave a fierce glare,"No! We have already lost many men, and you should know we are being pressured from all sides, if we loose all our men, the hokage wont be able to send reinforcements" he replied
"Not to mention none of the Rock' heavy hitters have made any big splashes yet...i am afraid that they might have already set their sites on our camp for revenge" said Fugaku
"Alright...we will do as Fugaku-san says for now...i will also ask Hiruzen-sensei for some reinforcements" Replied Orochimaru
"Have a Yamanaka clan member read the memories of the Jonin that Nike and his team members have captured" Orochimaru ordered to a Jonin
"Lord Fugaku has such capable ninja, they alone took down a huge squad of Rock ninja without any deaths" Orochimaru praised
"You jest, Lord Orochimaru, i heard Nike say that it was a civilian Shinobi that played a huge part. Despite being a civilian Shinobi, he has access to a jutsu known by Only Jiraiya-sama" praised Fugaku as he subtly inquired about the young Chunin
"Hmm, i am also quite interested how ge got to use a jutsu such as Toad oil jutsu, perhaps only Jiraiya knows"
"Hmm, i shall take my clansmen and pack up, we need to leave" suggested Fugaku as he left the camp
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