4:45pm, SundayThe three boys, Billy, Robin, and Vance were sat in Vance's bedroom.
"Guys how are we feeling about the hangout at Bruce's house!" Robin teased with a smirk on his face.
"It was actually great!" Billy replied genuinely
"What made it so great to you?" Vance asked suspiciously
"More like WHO made it so great..." Robin joked
"Well it was really nice to spend time with Griffin." Billy states.
Robin and Vance smirk at him."And Bruce and Finney too.." Billy added to make them less suspicious.
"Ok but Billy in all seriousness," Robin started, "Do you like Griffin and just are scared of telling us or do you really not like him."
"Well before I didn't think I liked him but now I think I really do." Billy confessed
"WOAH WOAH WOAH THERE" Vance added in
"LET HIM FINISH." Robin said sternly to Vance. "What makes you think you like him?" Robin asked.
"He's really funny and I just feel like different when I'm around him. Like, this is so embarrassing to say but I feel flustered around him and I get butterflies and all that." Billy responded. "And I always thought he was really cute but I thought it was in like a friendly way."
"Billy, have you ever had any other friends you thought were cute." Vance asked as he tried to prove the point that Billy liked Griffin.
"Okay touché..." Billy responded giggling.
"I'm not trying to make you feel stupid, but how do you only THINK you like Griffin after you just said all of that stuff to us." Robin asked as he giggled.
"I just didn't know if the feelings were just friendly or something!" Billy responded.
"Do you feel anything like that with your other friends?" Vance asked
"No.." Billy responded
"Well theres your answer!" Vance said.
"Guys that was a lot to take in." Robin joked.
"Okay but like Billy can I text Griffin about that or..." Vance asked
"THAT I LIKE HIM?" Billy asked back
"Um YES. Because I really think he likes you too." Vance answered
"OKAY THEN YES!" Billy said excitedly.
"AW WAIT BILLY IVE NEVER SEEN YOU LIKE THIS" Robin stated while he grabbed Billy's cheeks.
"You're 100% killing this vibe." Billy said as he removed Robin's hands from his cheeks.
5:10pm, Sunday
After Billy and Robin having multiple random conversations, and many minutes of Vance texting Griffin, Vance spoke.
"Oooh Billyyy". Vance said as he smirked looking up from his phone.
"WHAT" Billy screamed excitedly as he grabbed the phone.
griffin: hes super cute too
Billy immediately turned red and he had the biggest smile on his face.
"Is he serious?" Billy asked as he turned to look back at Vance."You guys are literally the same person because thats what he asked me when I told him you thought he's cute." Vance joked
"What are you gonna say to that?" Robin asked
"Should I ask him to hang out with us?" Vance wondered
"YES." Billy said right after Vance finished his sentence,
"Okay damn." Vance said as he started typing again.
"Is he with Finney?" Robin asked
"Of course you wanna know." Billy added
"Yeah I think Finney is super hot and attractive but I'm just not sure if I like him or not?"Robin joked, mimicking Billy
"Oh you think you're sooo funny." Billy said as he jokingly acted mad.
Vance then got up from his bed and started to walk down the stairs.
"We're meeting up with Bruce, Griffin, and Finney. Hurry up." Vance said"All you had to say was Griffin!" Billy responded as he followed Vance, as did Robin.
billy, vance, and robins pov of last chapter!
why am i so in the mood to write. okay bye for now!!!