'I'm sorry Saskia, we should have never let you go. We regretted it, but we couldn't tell you what we were doing because you were too young and you wouldn't understand. I wish you could have known, then maybe it wouldn't have been as hard on you. We were spying, for MI5. We wanted to take you with us, we really did, but they wouldn't let us, they said, for security reasons. In case you blabbed. And, you wouldn't get a good education. But, we told them that you had nobody to look after you and they didn't care. They offered to give us a huge amount of money, and we couldn't refuse. They told us it was a job meant for us, and it would be the only job we ever needed to have and that as soon as we finished it, we could retire. But we were so wrong. We worked for two years, waiting for the day we could finish and see you again. Then, they summoned us, just before our contract ended, and told us that Her Majesty The Queen, wished to congratualate us on our brilliant job. But she didn't and it was all a lie. The 'MI5' was just a set-up by the Russian government, and we were locked away for nine years. By then, I guess, the real MI5 tracked us down and returned us back to our headquarters. But, they insisted that we had to finish the work that we started. We did, and here we are now. Finally home and seeing you, our beautiful daughter.' My mother finishes.
'So, was it the same for you?' I ask Jason's parents. They nod, unable to speak as tears were running down their cheeks. They all looked at each other, got upand grabbed us, hugging us as close as they could.
'I heard about your mob gang. I'm sorry for you, as that bombing sounds terrible.' My father exclaims. I nod, thinking of my gangs beautiful faces. They're wrecked. Half of their faces are burned to a crisp, so the guys will be disgusted by them - that's if they make it out of hospital. I think of poor Kaia, who will never see the sunlight again, and I start to cry. My parents whisper comforts into my ear, but none of them know how I feel. My best friend. Gone. I can't get her back.